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Going on a hike at the foothills of the Alps in early fall


Tele lens 300mm

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Great use of the long focal length lens for a nice landscape shot. Colors are popping nicely despite the direct sunlight. Am wondering if a warming filter and polarizing filter would have improved the colors and reduced the haze a bit.
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This is a wonderful image...great lighting and composition.
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Now I see the light "tunnel". An excellent mixture of warm and cold colours

surrounding the frightening hill on the right. And for the composition to be perfect - a boat. Did you take the photo from a boat, Yang? Blago

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Thank you for your vivid explanation of my picture, Blagoy! Yes, I shot it from another boat.
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I like this one alot. Great layers - especially how the background look misty. I would like it even more if the water looks darker - less reflection - perhaps with a polarizing filter?


I used a polarizing filter a week ago for the first time and went overboard - my water had no relection at all - looked like a black hole!!!!

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Since I haven't rated this image very generously, I feel I owe you a little explanation...

Let's imagine for a minute that you would have taken this exposure a step darker... I believe the mountain in the centre wouldn't be so overexposed anymore... Then the water would get nicer... The question is: what would happen to the 2 hills at the sides ? We might have them going a bit too dark... So, what's the solution?...

I suggest you try the above in PS first. If the result isn't satisfactory, creating independant selections and brighten or darken each one will settle the contrast problems...

If you dislike using PS, I believe there was no ideal solution on camera that day, with such a high contrast. I suppose a 1 step darker shot was a bit better overall, but still, only PS can make this work.

As it is, I feel it isn't doing justice to your otherwise very good folder...

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Marc, I appreciate your detailed explanations. Its very helpful for me to understand how you think of this picture. I agree the exposure of this shot, like some other shots of mine, is not ideal from point of view of painting and 0.5 or 1.0 stop might help to get a better balance in the foreground and the background. Ill have a try with PS when I have time.
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Yes, you're right Bernhard. I'm a bit surprised someone from the US knows this place.:)
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