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© Copyright G.R.E.G. Galleries, Inc. 2004

Slice of color.


Sink water and a macro baby.


© Copyright G.R.E.G. Galleries, Inc. 2004

From the category:

Fine Art

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I wanted to tell you fantastic capture first. Second I wanted to tell you what is a macro baby? How did you take this and the other images? But what is a macro baby?


Second question, I have the same setup as you

and I wanted to know what setting do you have the camera set at? ANd how do you like the 70-200 2.8L IS USM? I replaced my regular 70-200 2.8L USM with the IS version and for some reason the sharpness is gone, I don't want to say gone, but not as sharp as I had expected. Let me know.



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Thanks Mike. I used a technique Dana Voss (another patron) told me. Basically, I used a Macro Extension Tube from Canon (Macro baby :-) the sink and two different color shirts in the background. I turn my camera (D10) vertically and shot about 3 gig's. The sharpness was terribal on about 90% of the shots. The sink water is moving and the focas area is so short it's hard to see what your focusing on. Anyway, take many and get lucky with some.


As for your lens, if it's not sharp take it back. I paid a butt load for my gear and it has to work great or I'd return it.


I love my 70-200. It's the best lense I've ever owned.


Hope I helped. Thanks for the question.




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