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Scanned with a Minolta Scan Dual (The original).

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Hey all. I took this photo in my father's garden around the time of

the golden hour. I realize that the whole plant isn't sharp, but I

really don't see a problem with that. What's important is that the

part that I focused on, the top leaves, are in focus.


It's one of the first images off my new Maxxum/Dynax 5. I really like

the thing.


Well, let me know what you think,


Dan O.

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Hey all. Maybe it's just me being an amatuer, but I really didn't expect to get ratings of only half the maximum.


What could be improved with this photo? Is it the sharpness? Is it the fact that the subject is a simple pepper plant?


I really thought that this photo was excellent in regards to light and shaddow. I also thought the composition was pretty good, especially the way I kept a shallow dof, and an almost plain background.


What can I do to improve?




Dan O.

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Just some thoughts as you seem to be wondering why the ratings are low for this photo. First thing I could see others faulting is that although there is some focus on the top leaves of the sprout, there is no sharp area in the entire frame. I assume that this was not intentional as most nature shots I have seen have at least some areas of sharp focus, granted I could be wrong and you may have softened this intentionally. I don't know.

I would also say, and I know I am biased, that a photo of this sort, which focuses on light, shadow, form, etc. and NOT color, would be better suited to black and white film. There is little color interest here, as well as the fact that the subject is dead center in the frame and thus leaves the viewer stuck dead in the middle when s/he finishes with the plant and would normally move onto other parts of the frame. Had you reframed to say, place the plant to one side and let an interesting shadow balance the other side of the frame, then you would have produced some movement/interest in the frame.

As it stands, this is a snapshot of a nice green plant, but not particularly aesthetically pleasing and not original, which are the judging criteria. You seemed very concerned with the ratings for this photo, so I hope this sheds some light and maybe helps in future shots.

Again, just my 2c...


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