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The Hibiscus


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JOba!! I can not see this here. BTW can you please turn off the date imprinting in your camera? it's distracting and bothersome if you want to enlarge your photo in future.
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Hi Suman! Yes, will turn off the date imprint. Hope the joba did things to your memories .. You arent a Bong are you? Dont know of many others who would call it by this name .. :-)
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I loved the leaves, even more than the flower. What green ecstacy!

They resemble the palm of the hand...do you see?

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Nice flower, but you focused more on the leaves than the flower though the color of the flower is what you see first. I also think that you should turn off your date imprinting on your camera. Anyway it's beautiful and I like it.
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I am guessing that not many non-bongs will get the pun. What kind of camera do you use ? Assuming that it is an SLR, one good way to start experimenting is to use the "aperture priority" mode of the camera. That gives you control over the aperture and hence the depth-of-field of your photo (while letting the camera's metering system calculate the appropriate shutter speed to get the right exposure). You will find that your photos will take an added dimension once you start playing with the depth of field. If you have any questions, I will be glad to help.
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Anirvan - This photo was taken with a Sony DSC. I have an SLR as well (Olympus) - trouble is, I dont have a scanner, and the one they have at the photo-developing Studio is pathetic. And yes, I have loads of questions .. let me know how I can start shooting them (the questions, that is:-)
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Nice job....you have thought about the composition since I see that you placed the flower at one 1/3 corner of the frame. I like the color of the green leaves too. However, the picture could be improved further by modifying in photoshop / gimp. The details in the flower seem to be a bit washed out. I would prefer more saturation and contrast in the flower, since it is the main subject. The background on the top left corner looks too bright and distracting. Darken it by using "burn" and make it more blurry by using gaussian blur. Remove the grey pole and the date using "clone". If you are a beginner and not familier with these functions, start doing some experiments and you will catch up very soon. Thanks for sharing.
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i like the lighting levels in rajeev's rework, though i would crop out the top left highlights (opposite to what he did) and just clone out the date in PS. the more green the background is, the more the flower stands out. also, i see rajeev increased the saturation of the flower itself which i like. you might also apply a bit of unsharp mask on just the flower to pseudo get it to be more detailed even though the focal plane was a bit behind it.
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Rajeev - your changes have made the picture look very good. Thank you soo much :-)


Asim, Supriyo - Thank you very much for your helpful inputs. I need to understand editing a little better, before I start with these tricks. But keep critiquing .. that is the only way I will learn! Cheers All! - Swati

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Nice colors here with the potential for much improvement. Here is a cropped suggestion. I also added some contrast, lessened brightness and sharpened a bit. Keep shooting!

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Vincent! Love the cropping on the left, but the top cropping has cut off my bud :( ! But love the effect...you are awesome at this! Cheers!
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