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2 of 3. Tiger at Taronga zoo


Probably with a nikon 85mm f1.8 or 180mm f2.8.scanned - Canon FS2710Taronga Zoo, Sydney

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Don't let the leaf bother you. Photography is a subtractive art form. It's not as if you could have asked the tiger to move over a bit. This is the kind of picture you either take and look at whenever you want, or see forever in your mind the shot that got away.
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I agree with both James and Jim .. a very pleasant photo to view and remember. If only I could get a photo of my cat like this one!
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I was recently at the Toronto Zoo and waited for a long time for the tiger to stop pacing, and to look at me. He never did and I never got a shot. Good Job.
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I spent hours at this tiger enclosure. The first hour was just waiting while I waited for the light to get right and the tigers to finish their nap. They kindof got a lot more active after the light faded..which again was a problem..even at f2.8 (i was using velvia)..shutter speeds were too slow and the tigers always kept moving or whatever. I went thru a couple of roles and still wasnt sure if I had any which were sharp.


The whole exp. gave me renewed respect for people who get wildlife shots out in the open. Seems like an impossible task.

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I know they're taken in the zoo and were thus a little easier than if taken in the wild. But these three pix are just GREAT. A great big pussy cat, after all that, eh? Each one is close to perfect... and each in a different way.


Really, really, good pictures.


[Two minutes later]... I was going to say I'd tried (and failed miserably) the same thing, here in Sydney. My excuse for the poor results was going to be: "at Taronga Park there's too much of a crowd round the tigers all the time".


Then I read your location notes.



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