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Yeah! I can feel it. This image sings. Really nice tones. Great balance. This is one of those images where it's ok if the subject is looking into the short side of the frame. Great use of space. James
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I think this photo is great as is! IMO fill-in flash could ruin the mood, and the head looks fine as a silhouette. It could be framed a little lower though (showing less sky and more clothing, and from a lower angle).
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Congratulation on attaining the POW kudos. Great feel to this image, doesn't matter where he is I think we can all put ourselves in his place and feel the freedom. Again, congratulations!
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I recently had a chance to view my own portfolio on a friends (cheap) computer monitor and I was shocked at how awful my pictures looked. I then went to view them on one of our $12,000 AGFA / SIEMENS monitors at work and the difference was day and night. My monitor at home is middle of the road. Keeping this in mind I fail to see the tonal strengths that the elves are raving about even after playing around with my settings.


Given the camera and film used I am certain that the original is ten times better then what we see on our monitors but I can only comment on what I see and I dont see much here. I also dont understand what they are referring to by fluid colors on a B&W image. Maybe the elves were viewing the image through some bottles filled with interesting spirits.


As to the mood of the image itself, the guy isnt even hinting at a smile. Is he supposed to be happy to be alive? Sorry, but I think the elves just picked this one out of the recently uploaded folder because they are too busy and didnt even put any thought into their own comment. If this is the calibre of photography that Photo.net wants to advertise on their front page as an indication of the quality of photography they have to offer then they are only cutting themselves short. The ratings speak for themselves.


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Guest Guest


This one is definately worthy of POW status. Good job.
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sorry but this isn't a good example of tonal control.

The subjects face is just too dark, that's great for an abstract, but this picture isn't abstract at all.

The rule of thirds is a poor qualification for POW, show me a picture that breaks this rule...that's what I want to see.

It seems Photo.net is just a site for Pop Photography...show me something that communicates more than this.

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He doesnt need to be smiling. I imagine him drawing a deep, cool breath off of the wind, letting the robe billow, subtly delighting in being alive...

but i sorta agree that the face is a bit too dark.

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I would like to thank everyone who found time to look at this photo and for all your comments (good or bad:). I am not a proffesional, but a couple of years ago I fell in love with photography. Yes, some might disagree with the composition or say the face is too dark. well, that is what I intended and how I saw it. Nothing was staged- I met this person in one of the lakefront parks north of Chicago. He was full of life and did not mind me standing with my russian made Kiev and playing with my light meter. I always try to take pictures of people just the way they are. Much harder, but pays off (IMHO). Took two pictures of which one did not come out due to camera malfunction (very common with my Kiev), so this is the only one:) thanks again, Chris.
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I like it. The use of the rectangle, the tones of the skin against the clothing and sky all keep the viewer interested. Simple but effective.


Do I care that the guy is not smiling? No, he looks OK as he is. It's a fine portrait. This kind of image will never look impressive on-screen (at least on most people's monitors) but I bet the print is lovely.

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This is a fabulous photo, in the portrait genre. Forget whether he is "smiling". Forget the mysterious reference to "colors" in the elves' dissertation. Forget the "Rule Of Thirds", the missing right hand, the lack of fill flash and whatever the story is behind the picture.


Concentrate on the image. One of joy and exhuberance, intensely enacted. Beautiful lines, a noble head and graceful arms. Lovely portrait. Lovely picture. Different. Evocative. Enticing.


The photographer has worked with what he had on the spot, at the time. Normally that sounds like the preamble to an excuse for something lacking. But he's caught the spontaineity of the moment in an intriguing way that stimulates curiosity. P.O.W. material for sure.


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This image doesnt do anything for me. What the heck is "..the colors are almost fluid."?! Is that like, good placement of shadow details or something? Anyhow, theres a harsh casting on his head, on his nose, and a reflectance onto the back of his head. His right arm looks amputated. Is it just me or is becoming more like Photo.net aka Popular Photography Part II? If the elves are gonna pick a photo, at least give it a more insightful description or qualification.
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"I would have used fill flash"


"Besides, the composition is flawed. I'd like to see the guy's right hand."


Sometimes I get the feeling that 70% of photo.netters have read a 500 word article entitled "basics of composition" and do all their critiquing/rating by scoring the picture against the "ten key rules" summary at the end.

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I rate this well because it is a "natural" shot on location, taking good advantage of a willing subject. Tones are very nice on my monitor, and I see nothing to nit pik. Congrats on POW!


Is it just me, or does this image remind anyone else of a b&w Janet Jackson video several years ago where she was out in the salt flats (can't recall the song title)??

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I like the composition. The light is obviously harsh and overhead which has lead to blown highlights and blocked shadows. The comment from the elves doesn't make sense but I would say it's good control given the circumstances - which is maybe what they meant?


The title seems wrong to me. I think he looks pretty cranky? Maybe a bit frustrated with the Guy upstairs and searching for an answer or apologising on our behalf?


Despite several broken rules (harsh light, chopped off hand, looking out of the frame etc), I still like the picture. It goes to show yet again that rules aren't the "be all and end all".

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Many of the complaints here sound like badly adjusted monitors. I see excellent detail in the highlights and shadows using my middle of road monitor. I have used some of the tonal balance gifs/jpegs out there to make sure contrast/brightness are set correctly though.

The other complaints center on the much more subjective composition...I happen to like it as is.

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This photo makes me wonder what the man is looking at, and why his arms are outstretched. It might look interesting in color too...
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Very nice composition. I do find the face has either too much or too little detail. I suspect the tonal range looks better on a high-end monitor. On my midrange HP, I am not especially impressed.
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I second Niels' comments. I can't see much on my monitor, and the tonal range does not look great. Maybe it is my monitor. I am not also very impressed with the composition/content, though it is a nice photo, not sure of POW. Just my thoughts.
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Guest Guest


I thinks its very good. You seem to be a very good people photographer - I especially like your photos of children.
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Tonal control? Please.. If you choose a photograph, don't just write something for the sake of writing. And will there be a day when the 1/3rd, 2/3rd and 4/11th rules are going to cease being criteria?


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Guest Guest


congrats on a deserved POW! the title fits the photo very well. the man looks very positive and interesting. the simpleness, composition, and tones standout. i like your style.
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