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East Mooring Basin IV


Shot in the evening on very bright day using 88a filter. Slight infrared effect on photos. Transformed to black and white on PS. Very little manipulation.

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I like this. Like the light reflecting off the boat. Some might say that your light meter was fooled, and so were you, and it's probably true. But the result is good, so who cares!
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Comments, ratings, suggestions appreciated on this black and white

infrared fishing boat. Taken in very bright sunlight with deep red

filter and digital camera. I'm planning to re-shoot this in the next

week or so with traditional infrared film. Any comments appreciated.


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You got some good detail of the background hill too. Not sure about the texture in the sky, but I do like the texture of the boat - feels strong, steely. Hope I get to see the results of your endeavours with film, should make an interesting comparison. Cheers.
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Since it's digital, I'm going to be a bit harder on you.


I would like to see some detail in the dock on the left side. The left side of the frame could use some general dodging to bring out the detail and highlights. I think that the contrast could stand to be increased overall, particularly in the sky. I really like the way the light is glinting off the mast, but the rest of the photo doesn't have that same magical quality of light. Since the original is digital, most of these alterations would be pretty easy to accomplish, much more so than in conventional darkroom process.

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It was late evening, but the sun was very bright--as you can probably tell. This is a metal (aluminum?) boat so the reflection is particularly intense. The subject wouldn't have been photographable without some heavy filter.
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I like the reflection which gives you the sense of the steel it is made out of. I am not happy with how dark the left hand side of the image is. When I crank up the brightness, I can see that there is image detail there, but at a normal setting it is mostly a dark featureless blot which eats the prow of the boat making me feel I'm missing something. I also feel a little cheated by what appears to be a chopping off of the mast at the top.
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Being a big fan of infrared makes this an even more interesting photo for me. I also have the advantage of having a Mac, which means none of the picture appears dark. In fact, the way the shadow of the fence on the left side leads to the boat's bow is excellent. I also like the reflection in the water. If anything, I feel that the photo i cropped too close... This could be due to clutter on the right, though.
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Reflection of light on the water is very nice, and

overall mood is quiet and peaceful. I am undecided on the bright spot on the top of the verticle mast. Overall, nice!

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