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Sleeping Boats in Cesme/Turkiye



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This is a beautiful image, end of story. Very well done Haluk.
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Very nice picture, komshu. I have a similar one.

Lush colors, clever composition. Well done. Blago

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While these type of boats are common around the Mediterranean and have probably caught more photographs than fish, they are nevertheless beautiful, and this photograph is a very fine example of the genre. I particularly like the blue of the sea. But most of all the line of mooring ropes was very well seen and lifts the composition out of the ordinary for me.
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This one I like .. I agree that it was made more interesting with the use of the ropes.. The color is what really gets me.. Well done
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I like your folio very much Haluk. I do not think my comments will bring a revolution so I have just rated the pic I liked most in this folio (keeping the other folios for another visit). thanks for sharing, Jean
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