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Diary on the wall!

haleh b

A lot of digital work!


© HB

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Fine Art

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This is not obviously for those who do not like digital

manipulations! Made of five images one being used as a background

(the wall).

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I love what you did with the joint ! i think shes searchingfor her lost head, and its on the wall behind her. i like the radiusd edge on her offset frame. nice brown theme too. bye
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Bravo Haleh! Isn't it amazing how art can be interpreted by so many people in their own mental proceses..you know who I'm talking about. Keep at it, keep impressing us, bravo twice!
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Very artistic and original. Well done. I'm irked by the childish comment left by Steve above, but unfortunately that goes with the territory when you post on PN. I have only one suggestion / observation and it is only very, very minor. Do you see the white vertical scratched line just behind the model's rear? See how it extends off the "canvas" on continues on up the wall? I can't tell if this was just coincidence, but it might help separate the "canvas" from the wall if this line was not continuous across both elements of the photograph. Does that make any sense? Such a tiny little detail for an otherwise great work of art! I'm almost embarrassed to even bring it up, but certainly much less so than I would be using language such as Steve's. I also have been watching your work from the wings, so to speak, and have enjoyed your developing style. Thank you for sharing!
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Thank you so much for taking the time to view and critique my work. I see what you mean but it happened when I merged two core images together. It was uniformed so I let it be but I don't mind eliminating it.

As for Steve's comment...I am too concerned with that...NOT!

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Great work! Tells a mysterious story. I think this is the best of your portfolio. I agree about the white line...it is distracting. Steve...grow up!
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Haleh, your title is original. I was cheating a little as 'postcard from the edge' is not an original of mine, but from a book. Yet that is how it struck me, and it seemed appropriate because ... (do you know Nick Bantock - mainly a painter, but he mixes media? Find his work, and you'll see why 'postcard' came to mind. :-)
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Pretty damn special! Nice solid composition with plenty of emotional content! Now excuse me while I go look at your portfolio.
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