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Sunrise on Mt Assiniboine


2 f-stop split ND built in Photoshop

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Mt Assiniboine is 13 miles in from the nearest trailhead in the

Canadian Rockies. It is the Matterhorn of Canada. I tried to do it's

majestic beauty justice for those that couldn't be there. All comments

and insights are appreciated.

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This pool was very shallow, maybe 6 inches deep.

You can see a clump of grass on the right and some rocks showing through at the bottom. I kind of favor the natural look rather than using a polarizer to create a perfect reflection. I guess I've found the polarizers kill shade detail in shots like this.

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I agree to your point on non usage of polarizer. This is one of the best mountainscape shots I have viewed. Excellent exposure and the image is simply breathtaking. I wish I was camping out there.
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This is lovely! Fantastic, true to life color and a great reflection to boot. I also have overused a polarizer but I am at the point that I rarely shoot with one anymore. Did I mention great composition?
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This just shows that innovation *is* possible within established genres. I especially like the framing of the reflection by the puddle.


Great work.

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Might just stick with shooting close-ups from now on...

This is superb in my eyes. The composition is flawless. Did a 180 degree rotation on this image and it just didn't look the same ;-)

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well here is an image which indicates you in the right place at the right time. Who else gets up early to see the beauty mother nature has to offer but photographers. Well done and keep on clicking.
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Fantastic. I want to learn how to use ND in photoshop to the depth you do, and appreciate all the help you can give me. athlonxp@austin.rr.com

Excellent job.

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What a great shot... and to the comment before, I don't believe the reflection is fake... One surefire way to tell is if the mirror image lines up exactly (when rotated vertically and horizontally) for objects that are far away (mountains) AND objects that are close up (like the trees on the right). If the reflection were a fake, the shot is set up so beautifully that the photographer takes out all close up objects (trees on the right) with the shrubbery below the trees, thus making it impossible to tell (at least with the methods I've learned). It's a fantastic shot, I can't wait to go out to the rockies this summer and take some shots of my own. Bravo! This makes me homesick for the west.
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My goodness, why would anyone consider the reflection to be fake? The use of the ND is perfect....the balance of the "real" image with the slightly darker reflected image is right on (my pet peeve is a lighter reflected image that results from too much ND). For those of us with somewhat limited mobility, I appreciate great photos like this that are taken far from the nearest road -- thanks for sharing.
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This is an absolutely superb landscape. The comments are very good and insightful also. As far as your wife goes--since she is willing to hike at least 13 miles with you to get to this venue, that says it all. 7's all the way around!!
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