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© not for repro

Blind girl swimming...


Tri-X, handheld.40mm, Pentax LX.


© not for repro

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Fine Art

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Another great shot. There's something wonderful about fotographing people in water. Aperture (the magazine) did an issue on 'swimmers' with lot's of wonderful images of people in water. This image is great, I love the tonality of the print.
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Thanks for the comments.

To be honest this picture doesn't do all that much for me. Some people really like it, but I think because it was only a snap, and I really didn't work hard for it I don't feel it's true value.

Swimmers are always interesting to picture, especially in old swimming baths early in the morning, there is something quite haunting about water and ceramic tiles, especially when the colours appear stained through years of use.

Anyway I am rambling. Thanks Anders for your encouragement.

These are all old pictures of mine on Photo.net, since working commercially I seem to find less time to chase real pictures.

The Pentax LX was a wonderful camera, it did fit me like a glove, and with the 40mm lens it really was an extension of my eye.

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Hi Chris. After reading your comments about not working hard for this shot I just had to mention a little quip. "The harder I work the luckier I get." It seems to apply here. This is a brilliant shot. The light, exposure and timing all had to be bang on. Sometimes I think if you have those skills down you forget that most people never will. You sir are an artist! Thanks for shareing and please cut back on your workload and share more with us.
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Eerie. It causes my stomach to feel sick which tells me that the subject is conveyed well. Perhaps it was not your intention but it looks like a drowned girl.
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You write that you didn't have to work hard for this one, yet that can't be so. You might have just "snapped" the frame off but your other work speaks to a practised eye and sense for the scene at that moment. This is very good work regardless of how it came about, Chris.

I agree with a comment you left re someone's else's work (Sunday Morning at Hatchet Creek Trading Post), and I believe this criticism only bears out my point. You "worked" for Blind girl swimming... all right.

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Chris, I'm amazed to hear you're not that impressed with this photo. To me it demonstrates a level of insight that is rare.What makes this image especially touching is that the girl is blind. One word that springs to mind when I look at this photo is "luminous". It's as though you have visually articulated this little girl's breaking through from her world of shadows into the light. My friend, I think you are selling yourself short. Are you selling any of your work as stock?
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I can feel the tears welling up inside me. The expression on this little girls' face tells me that she is feeling and experiencing everything that those of us, who are not blind, take for granted everytime we get into a body of water to swim. She looks beautiful...I wish she could see this herself...she would thank you...as do I! Your photo moves me so much that I just don't see the technical side of it...the emotion is just so strong. I will leave the technical critique to the experts!!
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To be added to the collection of perfect shots you already have... Very touching, and what a light !
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Very, very nice pic! Kudos! :) Check out my pics sometime. You may like some of them.
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Chris...WOW!! You know it's the little things that great photographers capture, when the rest of us looking for something bigger. The choice of sepia tone works so well. I think as one comment suggested it might be erie, had you chosen B & W instead. It warms up the image and the bubbles from her mouth and nose and her slight smile tell such a wonderful story. I took a quick peek at the rest of your folder and will come back to comment on many of those wonderful images when I can spend some time exploring them. I think this is an incredible image.
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