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I like this type of framing (others may not though...) with a tight cropping of the face that makes it different from the usual portrait. The skin tone and the overall desaturation on her hair and skin puts her eye on the front scene, and catches attention well. Great hand position too. Seeing her thumb on the shoulder would have made a greater balance or more esthetic result for the left side? I don't know... I give you a 6/6 for this one! What do others will tell?
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I am not a portrait photographer, so do not usually comment on portraits, but this one really caught my eye. I very much like the cropping. I also like the balance between the ring and eye color - good match. The only distraction for me is the background color - I lose the impact of her eye color because the dominant background is so close in color to her eye. Having said that, not sure what to suggest - a salmon color?
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I love the ruby red lips in this shot; it really contrasts with the blue of the eyes and shirt. A beautiful shot and composition.
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I agree with everybody about how beautiful this image is. I think personally that Gilbert is right about the thumb missing on the shirt towards the shoulder: it would have made a perfect diagonal line towards the shoulder and given more balance to the image. But it is stunning anyway.
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I just accidentally saw this shot when I was reviewing the recent image files. Wow,what an accident to lock onto your work and after reviewing all of your portfolio I am without a doubt now a fan. You have a fantastic eye, both for beautiful model content and framing of the images. Your color usage is also great in all of the shots and I love the pastel themes. Keep submitting your work and I will surely be a frequest visitor to your site. You have also given me some great ideas for some of my upcoming portfolio assignments. Are any of the shots in the group of you and if so which one(s).
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I am glad you like my work. About the question, I guess there would be soon someone with replie that is hard to find my photo without me on it. Many of my photos are selfportraits (this one too) but to to be onest I prefer my photos with other subjects.I am very proud on my "summer time" folder and all pictures of my daughter are very dear to me (offcours).


I am looking forward to see your photos and I wish you to stay on this site for a long time (sometime we fight and argue a lot but this is very helthy and fun comunity).



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Tamara, to produce a portrait like this is clever enough, but when it's a self-portrait it is even more so. I like your style of photography very much. Well done.
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I have now seen all your images and I have to say that your portfolio is the best I have seen. I loved viewing your images. I am Australian and have traveled to Croatia (Dalmation Coast), you have a very beautiful country
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Thank you Greg.

I am originali from one island in Dalmatia and I agree that our coast is absolutly wonderful

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Really amazing you can take so many self-portraits and still make the compositions so correct. Are you using a mirror or is it a LCD camera screen which can be tilted in any direction?
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No. I usually don't see what I shoot so I always leave more space around me and then I usually crop photo in photoshop.

This one is just the way it was taken I only edited colors in PTS.

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Do you have only one model? She is nice, but sometimes a new face brings changes and other feelings. If I always drink the same tea it gets bored. Beatrice
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