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Jamie Robinson, British Super Bikes


Lens : 70-200mm 2.8 APO EX Sigma, taken at 2.8 on auto exposure (1/500th) I think


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Taken on a dull day with Astia 200, using 70-200mm 2.8 APO Sigma lens

(Set to 2.8) Pre-focused on the track.


Any useful comments welcome.

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Guest Guest


Nice color, but next time when you're at the track position yourself at a turn (enter and exit), go low and use longer tele lens with open f-stop. You'll love it!
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Technically excellent and I love the colors of the bike and rider! Might have benefited from a slightly more lively background to pan against, however, the armco does have a certain electric shimmer to it. Well Done.
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Good job getting the shutter speed high enough to render the bike sharp, but low enough to blur the wheels and background.
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This photograph has a nice purity of form and intent that makes it unusual in the world of sports photography. The simple background adds to this effect. I like it a lot.
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