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Niagara Boardwalk


This is the boardwalk to view the Gorge about70 feet below sea level.

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For me, all photos are worth sharing... if this is a good photo or not, it depends on personal analysis and tastes. In my opinion, the photo is very dark, so we can´t see much detail... the subject seems interesting and composition it´s good but the exposure was not so good, very dark as i said before. Maybe a more long exposure (with tripod if possible) maintining the aperture for detail should be a better option.




Luys Leonhard

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Thanks. For me it's good to hear or read these kind of comments. I just want to point out

the camera I used at this photo is a point and

shot.I know tripod is good but I'm lazy to use it. I'll keep your points in mind.

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I like the composition on this one as well. I agree that it is a bit dark but I think it would be most improved with better depth of field. Getting good DOF in a dark scene is rough though
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