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Heaven's Gate


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IMHO: I really like the concept and subject. I think you have a good subject here and it is worth spending time with especially with black and white film. Although I realize a lot of people don't like B&W.


I attached a B&W image and was wondering if it is what you are thinking or if it is the color that you feel makes the photo good.


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Thanks for the suggestion and the B&W picture David. I would spend a lot of time with the subject at different times of the day. unfortunately I was on a vacation and was just passing by. Had very limited time to spent. This is one of three shots. What I am really moved by the image is how the light illuminates around the gate, the leaves, and especially from farther away leads to the gate through light paths. In that context whatever would enhance the image I am for it...
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I have always had a weakness for the wonderful interplay between foliage and sunlight in a forest. The strong greens nad the contrasting colour of "heaven's gate" are what attracted me to this photo. The harsh contrast of direct sunlight may make for a problem in people pictures but it adds impact to this scenic "theme" image. I like it.
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I find the extreme's in the contrast a little disconcerting, as it makes it hard for me to decide what is the central point of the photo. However the subject of the photo is great and I love the concept of the light on the gate.
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