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© my photo, please respect.


look closely at the center of the bird, the world is reflected upside down.


© my photo, please respect.
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This photo was taken when I found this glass birdie, lying neglected

at the waterworks. I don't know why it was there, but it did make a

excellent model. Any thoughts on this photo? I have other

Infrareds in my folder.

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Nice photo but i was hoping to see something interesting in the background 'lensed' in the glass object [or is that too 'cliche'?].
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Wow! Do you really claim you "found" this birdie there? Anyway, it doesn't matter. The colors are

just great, the building and the green in the

background look perfectly sci-fi, just like the

bird looks like some kind of UFO. The flare adds

to the image. Could you have done better? Don't see how. Stunning image, really.

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Yes I did find the birdie there, it was very odd, but a happy find indeed. I've kept the birdie, and maybe i'll do a whole series of birdie photos around the city :) The bird was ~0.5 feet from the lens when i took this shot.
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Wow! I'm usually not a big infrared fan, but it works perfectly with this shot. As a previous poster said, it makes the landscape and the bird look very sci-fi and surreal. Great shot!! Thanks for sharing.
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The clouds, the flare, the shimmering chocolate tarmac of the bird... WOW! Only distraction I find is that the bird is too centered. As a whole, this pic kicks bigtime ass!
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