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Swan composition


A natural triangular composition. Shot handheld with an Olympus Zuiko 70-300 mm 4.0-5.6 lens.
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A mute swan (cygnus olor), a very common species, preening its feathers. I was able to fill the frame with the bird due to its size. As I watched it, I noticed a triangular 'composition'. Making sure I didn't overexpose the white of its plumage also took care of the contrast with the background. Your comments are very welcome.
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Vincent, the triangular composition works perfectly. Not only does it highlight the swan's beauty; it also has an ambiguous "story:" it may simply be pruning, or it's is about to go to sleep. The lighting is quite exquisite with the variety of feathers being either dark or bright. Yet the kicker is a small area of dark grey, which is a slight shadow of the upper mandible. The variety of colors are the result of your tactical acumens as well as your artistry. - - My best always, michael
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Hi Michael,


thank you for your nice comments! I'm glad you think the composition works well. Your comments show how well you studied the image, much appreciated. Kind regards, Vincent

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Bravo Vincent, an excellent photograph that immediately attracts the eye of the observer, the swan stands out very clearly from the dark background, the triangular composition is very beautiful, good the lighting that allows you to see the details on the white plumage well, ciao Giangiorgio
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Hi Giangiorgio,


thank you for your friendly and appreciative comments and of course your support! I wanted to make sure I didn't overexpose the white plumage. Kind regards, Vincent

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