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Barren landscape


An abstract in slightly colored B & W. Shot handheld with an Olympus Zuiko 50mm 1.8 lens.
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The title of this abstract could be explained in more than one way: the future of Europe, the state of our environment and the situation on PN, just to mention a few. The future of Europe is in the hands of an unelected elite, which doesn't bode well and the destructive decline of many things Europe's formerly independent countries could once be proud of has inevitably set in. About PN: my latest uploads (two versions of a concert photo of Greg Adams) got hardly any attention: a handful views, only one like (thanks Mitch), let alone any comments. I hope you will comment on this image.
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At first glance, observing the texture, it seemed to me a photo of a detail of the skin of a pachyderm, then reading your note I realized I was wrong. The photo is well composed and the eye is invited to follow the vertical lines and the structure, with an excellent contrast. Your observations are fully acceptable and as far as PN is concerned, I am also drawing it a little. I must apologize to you for missing out on the photo of Greg Adams in both versions. One other thing I don't understand in PN is seeing banal photos getting thousands of views while us old photographers can barely reach a hundred. Thank you so much for your continued support, ciao Giangiorgio
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Hi Giangiorgio,


thank you for your -as always- relevant comments and your support, which is greatly appreciated! I really worry about the future of our beautiful Europe .PN is not the community it could be; 'banal photos' as you call them, get lots of attention while serious photos by people who put thought and effort into creating them, are largely neglected. I guess that's a side effect of the Instagram way of looking at photos. Instant gratification, no time to waste on comments (what would these people write about anyway?). By the way, what you see on the image is the surface of a weathered leather fauteuil. Don't worry about 'missing out' on my Greg Adams photos. I know you well enough by now to have seen that you're an 'old school' photographer (I mean that as a compliment) genuinely interested in exchanging comments and suggestions. Kind regards, Vincent

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Vincent, this is a fine study in form as well as content. Following Giangiorgio, the subject matter resembles skin in general with its variety of depths. - - My best always, michael
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Hi Michael,


thank you for commenting on this photo! Yes, Giangiorgio was right: after all, a leather fauteuil has a 'skin' surface. Kind regards, Vincent

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