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Grey heron passing


A grey heron flying by. Shot on a bean bag with a Canon 400mm 5.6 L lens.
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In the Lepelaarplassen, a nature reserve not far from where I live, the grey heron is one of the most common birds. This one flew by the hide really close after taking off, water drops still splashing from its feet. The environment is a paradise for these birds, as it provides lots of animals to eat: fish, amphibians, insects and small birds and mammals. Your comments are very welcome.
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Bravo Vincent, a very nice image of this gray heron in flight with a beautiful background of its natural environment. excellent sharpness that highlights the plumage and the feet dripping with water, good eye contact. You're lucky to have this humid environment close to home, ciao Giangiorgio
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Hi Giangiorgio,


thank you for your friendly and relevant comments! I wondered about the DoF; should it be a bit more? Obviously, you don't think so. Yes, living close to this wetland reserve is a blessing. Kind regards, Vincent

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Vincent, for me the DOF is perfect, the focus is great on the main subject and the slight blur in the background still makes the environment recognizable.ciao Giangiorgio
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HI Giangiorgio,


Thank you for these very considerate additions to your comments! I greatly appreciate the fact that you have taken the time and put in this effort to clarify your comments further. Thank you again my friend! Kind regards, Vincent

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Vincent, Giangiorgio hit the nail on the head; there's no need for me to reiterate what he stated. What struck me as also worthy of comment is the color and lighting. Add the DOF, and I could summarize by just stating that the image is one of artistic and skillful contrast. - - My best always, michael
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Vincent, remarkable detail for an object in motion! The details are sharp, and the colors gorgeous, the light is perfect as she’s flying towards the sun. I also like the way you’ve cropped the photo, now we wonder where the heron is going, rather than where it’s been. All my best, Mitch
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Vincent, I’m also thinking that in order for the background to be as clear as it is, with a 400 mm lens open at 5.6, you must have been pretty far away and cropped this 2-3x mag, which makes the sharpness even more remarkable, in my book. Excellent shot!! Mitch
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Hi Mitch,


thank you for these elaborate comments and the praise! The heron wasn't far away at all, which you can see in the details too; in fact, it just took off very close to the blind I was in. Cropping was only minimal. Kind regards, Vincent

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