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Architecture of a spa


Bad Reichenhall, Bayern (southern Germany). Shot handheld with an Olympus Zuiko 14-42 mm 3.5-5.6 lens.

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This is a photo of the 'Königliches Kurhaus' in Bad Reichenhall, Bavaria, a beautiful building showing the wealth and importance that many of the buildings in similar places seem to have in common (e.g. Vichy, Spa in Belgium, Digne-les-Bains). I have encountered many (mainly elderly) people immersing themselves in the past glory of these places, sitting in beautiful parks or at a fountain. It was built around 1900 by Max Littmann and fully renovated in the 90's. Nowadays this magnificent building serves as a place for congresses, conferences and celebration (weddings etc.). Trying to capture the amazing Alpine light was why I returned to this place several times. Your comments are very welcome.
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This beautiful photo, which highlights the pleasant architecture of these buildings from the beginning of the last century, appears very well lit and with natural colors. Thank you for showing them to us, I envy you that you have ample opportunity to move on the continent compared to us confined to an island, ciao Giangiorgio
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Hi Giangiorgio,


thank you for your friendly comments and appreciation! I can understand where your feeling about the confinement to an island comes from; the past years inhabitants of the continent also weren't able to move freely. Kind regards, Vincent

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Vincent, not only did you ably capture the lighting as described in your narrative, but also the rather elegant and extravagant air and appearance of Königliches Kurhaus. I suspect that its interior provides several different sources of relaxation - perhaps a hot tub/pool, paintings adorning the walls, a variety of eating options, etc. - - My best always, michael
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Hi Michael,


thank you for your friendly comments! I haven't been inside the building, but I think you might be correct in your assumption. Kind regards, Vincent

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Hi Vincent, I can see that the E-520 also follows Olympus tradition i.e. in delivering vibrant colours. Best regards, Arthur
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Hi Arthur,


thank you for your comment! Yes, the E-520 has beautiful colors straight out of camera and a very good jpeg engine, this is also the case with the E-620. I still like using these cameras. Kind regards, Vincent

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