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A Look Into A Hotel Lobby


A peek into the lobby of an old and very small hotel in the “medina” Tétouan, Morocco. The architecture in these old Moroccan cities and towns are quite interesting.

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Warren, this image is outstanding. Composition & perspective are spot on. It's as if the viewer must travel through several portals before reaching the destination.
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Thanks Michael....I had that exact feeling as I tried to “stretch my neck” longer to see what might be in the next room.
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So well seen and photographed, bravo. It reminds me of some comments that used to recur often on PN by the purists regarding straight walls, horizons etc., I always replied that these were observations typical of our community and that in the galleries, exhibitions and museums that I visited frequently in Paris, the images were filled with these and many other things that were often anathema to our friends like missing limbs, areas our of focus etc., etc., these in fact are the elements which often give distinction to a photograph and they are a part of it's integrity. The composition/perspective here draws the eye and is perfect exactly as it is.
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Interesting comment which I agree with. As I was walking in the very narrow streets of this old Moroccan city I came upon this open door. It drew me, and my curiosity in as surely as a flame inexorably draws in moths. All I could do was photograph it and nothing could have stopped d me!!

Thanks for stopping by!

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