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A sudden Downpour

Jack McRitchie

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Hi Jack,


the people in your photo show the typical behaviour that I've seen often when it suddenly starts to rain heavily, they seem to make themselves smaller by bringing their shoulders closer to their faces, which of course doesn't do much good. I like the view of the street (the wet surface is a nice detail) and the moment you picked to shoot, with the two men on bikes passing each other and the man in the foreground walking into the scene. In the background we see people who checked the weather forecast and came prepared. This image tells a story we all know, but it tells it quite eloquently. Kind regards, Vincent

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Jack...As Vincent noted,some get caught and others come prepared!I am surprised that there are no cars in sight???Here...everybody is preparing for good downfalls as Dorian is just about to hit ground south of us near Halifax!Salutations-Laurent
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Vinvcnt, Pierre - Thanks for the comments on this picture. Vincent, as always you see things clearly or at least your view parallels my own as it often does. That's a very good observation how people try to make themselves smaller when caught in the rain as if this way the drops will miss them. There's an old zen saying which goes when it's raining don't run faster because its raining everywhere or something like that. Doesn't stop me from trying, though. As for the picture, I like how it turned out. I think the composition is quite good with a strong foreground, middle ground and background which gives a feeling of dynamism to a shot. It also tells a story and I like that since I am a born story teller as you can tell by my verbosity. By the way, I was one of the unprepared.
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Laurent - Thanks for the comment. There were plenty of cars - there always are - but they are blocked by the buildings on the right and by the edge of the frame on the left. There are repeating themes in your work and mine. With you it's those wonderful Canadian skies and with me it's bicycles which are ubiquitous in Japan. I'm quite sure there are more bicycles than cars. I hope Dorian gives you a brief soaking and leaves it at that.
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Alas, Jack, the poor bicyclists and pedestrian in the foreground - no protection from the storm. High drama and ritual in the context of the a rainstorm's ordinary business.
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It took me literally half a second since I opened the "explore recent" section and find your signature in gigantic unseen letters. You stop time. You show humans rushing under the rain on this Planet. The forefront with bicycles, the background with pedestrians with umbrellas. And you delight your audience with such high definition and utterly perfect contrast. Immediately striking, which is odd for an otherwise street scene, which you magically turn into a hypnotic, mesmerizing scene hard to turn away from, grabbing and captivating, trying to grasp all that is in there. Onegaishimass! Respectful bow. DG
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Hello Tomodachi Sama McRitchie sama: Reiterated one more, you cannot imagine what it means to have you back at PN, and pardon my straightorwardness, but Instagram is not a platform for artists and top photographers like you. This photograph is so strikingly realistic. The striking contrast between an instant in TIME and an ordinary street moment. You captured the essence of Time's Relativity. Bravisssimo!! Arigatogosaimashita. DG
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