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Lake Washington in infrared


Shot with #87 Harrison & Harrison filter

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i like this one,but (to me)it would be better if there was more contrast in the sky...i'll take you up on the ratings deal and any comments you wish to share also..Ken...keep in mind that i am no expert so take the comments for what they are worth,but i will give you my honest(tho questionable) opinions
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Reducing the top portion of the sky would increase the panorama perspective and increase visual awareness of the lake. An alternate experiment would be to increase the prominance of the high cirrus clouds either digitally or at print. This may increase the 3D aspect of your shot by increasing the distinction between the two cloud layers. It would also tend to lead the viewer into the shot from the top left. No guarantees on experiments: The surreal excitement of the phot could increase or it might just look wierd.
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Ok so the comments I've gotten so far on this suggest that I crop

the top part of the picture but that's my favorite part! I really

like the way the foreground, clouds, and sky divide the scene into

rough thirds.


I'd love to hear your opinions, ratings, etc.


- ken

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