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Two men on DuSable Bridge, Chicago 2018




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Black and White

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Steve, I wrote a long reply to your comment on my picture without checking whether you had posted any new pictures....which I now find you have. Good as always and your radical crop along with the somewhat incongruous appearance of those earphones on the standing man, apparently lost in his personal thought stream (with accompanying musical score), makes this one sing. You've been at it so long, you could almost paraphrase the Mexican bandit's line from "The Treasure of the Sierra Madre" when he tells the three gold prospectors his men are federales and they ask to see their badge: "Badge? We ain't got no badges. We don't need no badges. I don't have to show you any stinking badges!" In your case, just substitute the word rules for badges and you've just about got it. As I said, you've been doing this so long all the rules you need have been internalized which leaves you free to apply them or disregard them as each case demands.
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