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Autumnal path

On a bright november day, this path looked majestic in the golden light. Shot handheld with a Canon 50 mm 1.8 II lens.


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Amazingly beautiful autumn landscape again, Vincent! Magnificent frame, perspective, colors, side shadows, details ... Bravo! Sincerely, Tatiana
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Hi Tatiana,


you spoil me with so many nice comments and admires! I am glad you like my photos. Thank you very much, Tatiana. Kind regards, Vincent

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Hi Franz, thanks for your nice words. I thank you for your interest in my photos, I really appreciate it. Kind regards, Vincent
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A rich in colors and details work, which has a very warm and inviting look.

However, I would frame it a little tighter: rock on the left and bright gap between the tree and right edge of the frame has a distracting effect IMHO. I would trim 2 inches from the bottom and inch from the right. Cheers, Evgeny.

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Hi Evgeny,


thank you for commenting on this image! I'm glad you offer some advice on how to make the photo better. I totally understand your suggestion to cut a part of the bottom of the image, but the right would become very tight with a cut in my opinion, maybe with a crop from the left as well. Kind regards, Vincent

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I try to explain why I didn't want to cut the left side. The background behind the left tree has the same illumination and doesn't pop up from the common light schema. Also, trimming only the right side visually moves the path to the right and makes this more attractive compositionally. Thanks!
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Hi Evgeny,


thank you for your explanation! I'll certainly will give your suggestion a try, thanks! Kind regards, Vincent

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