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© (c) René Sandino Monterrey

Another Werrington Street at night with fog


Taken without a tripod (exposure maybe a second or two). I think I was holding the camera against a post or a wall to keep it steady.


© (c) René Sandino Monterrey

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I was drawn to this shot for it's potential.... I hope you don't mind, or get offended..but out of curiosity, I darkened it to show you how I thought this image could be a 6 or 7. Just my opinion... but I wouldn't try and show detail in the shadow areas = especially as it makes the whole photo look "muddy". If you don't like my taking this liberty, please e-mail me and I'll promptly remove the darkened version. Well framed and composed...the lighting is so beautiful and moody..

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No, I don't mind, because you're doing it for the right reasons (to help me see the potential of this photo). My only comment on the darkened version is that there seems to be too much black on the right side. I like seeing some of the details, but the darker version looks very good too. Thanks.
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I love it as it was, but I love it even better with the black blacker! I don't know why, but I always prefer silhouetty shapes completely black as opposed to half & half.
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Lovely picture that shows details in the shadow and details in the light areas. Excellent fog interpretation. Get rid of the darker version. Keep "shooting".
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