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Hold Tightly to Your First Love: The Memory Improves With Age


A young man and young woman embrace on the park-like banks of the Dnipro River in Dnipro (formerly Dnipropetrovsk) Ukraine.

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Caption: ' Hold Tightly to Your First Love Memory Improve With Age' Critique requested.


Taken on the banks of the Dnipro River which bisects the fertile farmland of Ukraine, Europe's largest country, here at the city of Dnipro (formerly Dnipropetrovsk, where they once built rockets to blow up America as the main industry in case pf Soviet nuclear war), this couple like many others in this now university town enjoy a hot summer's day stroll and tight embracel along the embankment of the Dnipro River, hundreds of miles downstream from where it passes-- already a huge river--through Kyiv the nation's capital and still hundreds more before it flows into the Black Sea.


Your ratings, critiques and observations are invited and most welcome. If you rate or critique harshly, please submit a helpful and constructive comment; please share your photographic knowledge to help me better understand your input. Thanks! Enjoy! john John Crosley)


(Photo rescued from a 'jammed chip' that until recently was incapable of being extracted until the advent of new software extraction techniques. Moral: NEVER THROW AWAY JAMMED CHIPS!)

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Hi John,

Sorry but I didn't read your introduction as the image is enough for me to qualify it as great. It takes me completely in there. It's a beautiful illustration of teenage urban love and angst. Well done.



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Ricardo Girão


This photo 'critique request' software was jammed for a half day after it was postede so it lost a half day's being seen by members who troll for recently posted photos to cirtique. As a result it has fewer views than any photo as this stage after posting i have ever posted on Photo.net.


I think part of it is due to the format rather than the photo itself, don't you?


You call it great, and think it's pretty wonderful, and almost lost if I'd discard the chip on which it was jammed but I'm very careful. Some jems from 2006 and 2006 have finally been rescued through software processing fixes and why not jim unjamming fixes too, so long ago I made a pact never to throw away jammed CF cards. This is the result.


Thanks for the positive review.




John (Crosley)

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Tommy Mostrup


Hi Tommy,


Thanks for the entirely positive comment.


This photo is 11 or 12 years old. Being 'rescued' from a CF card, there i s no apparent EXIF info, but based on memory of where I was and the circumstance, I can place my whereabouts and even rememver taking this, but not the exact year . . just where and when I was there. What year . . . I am not sure . . . but it was summer and hot (as usual).


Thanks so much for a pleasant review ; I can also take a harsh or instructive review too, so don't stint.




John (Crosley)

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I might note this 'lost' photo was rescued from the jammed chip this past week, thus processed this past week.


If I had processed it back 11 or 12 years ago when taken it might not have shown the emphasis on the hands it does here which to my belief are the essence of the photo (in my view today) and concentrated on tonalities elsewhere. I think now that might have been a mistake. Perhaps it's better this photo sat 'in the deep freeze' for so many years. Your view?




John (Crosley)

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Excellent composition and a tender moment. (The image looks a bit harsh on my monitor. Perhaps it is sharpened a little too much?)
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