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Wawa-ON. November


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Very nice. If this was mine, I would lighten and add more contrast to the top half.  All the very best,


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Hi Tony.   It  was shoot in the  early  morning  at sunrise, across the valley, ( 200mm )  fog  hanging at  the mid  air  and fog siting in the valley floor. The  far a way hillside  is  lighted  by  the rising sun, right  behind  me, which  creating a very flat contrast,    and  originally  was even  more  soft contrasty. I all ready increased  the  contrast, but  do not  wanted  to  modified  the  view  more. In color  this interesting lighting is  more obvious. Somehow,  the  lover  layer  of  fog  was  very  brightly  illuminated by the reflecting  sun rays  back  to  me, then the second  layer  above the valley. I have several shots  at this  location, shoot  at the same time  by  seconds apart. Regardless, I going  to re edit  the  image, trying your suggestion. Thank you.

I get to the original color image, NEF  and realized  I can  increase  the  contrast on the  hills.  Thank you.


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Hi Tony.  One more time.   Thank you  very  much  you constructive  and honest  comments,  realizing,  how  lease job I did. Re edited  to  b&w  as attached below.

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