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this is shot on old slide film and prossed c-41

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Why is people who won't support the site are the one's who do all of the complaining? I looked at your photographs. They are all beautiful. Just keep taking great shots as you have. Don't worry about others. And support this GREAT website and become a contributor not just a whinner.
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I know what I like when I see it.

Very nice and even good job.

May look better if the w in why is capitalized.

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Hi Peter

I think pics should really be pics'. Apart from that minor niggle i find this a direct, powerful and telling image, which gives vent to much frustration felt by many on PN. Well Done!

Having said all that I still intend to rate this 1/1 though, then everyone will look at my folders (only kidding)


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Why do people with crappy pics give the worst ratings?


Peter, I'm guessing that it's something you said.


Or maybe it's your breath. ;-)


Seriously, ratings are irrelevant. If you expect to get glowing feedback from a site on the Internet, well... I don't want to rain on anybody's parade here, but really now. If you are an artist, and are compelled to produce the pictures you do, public acclaim is an afterthought. You make these pictures because that's the way you see it, in your mind's eye. A pat on the back from your fellow artists is nice, but think about the pantheon of artists whose work was reviled until after their deaths.


I've said it before, and I'll say it again: shoot pictures for YOU. The opinions of others mean little, particularly when the folks who are voting could very well be the same ones who made Britney Spears a household name.


Sorry, but that's the way I feel about it. Really.



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Peter, what you're doing is very destructive to a site culture most of us try hard to maintain. It's far more rewarding to attract attention through competence than thoughtless acts. You (and your photos) would have earned my respect more readily had you not done this, and it's still not too late to take it down.


We have all done things we later regret; I hope this isn't how you wish to be remembered.

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I, for one, believe that Peter put quite a lot of thought into making his statement, which, unfortunately, I find to be all too often true. I have made a statement by rating his a 7/7.
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I consider this to be an insightful posting, and have found the commentary to be entertaining. AS for those who are not Patrons, post no photos, and post drive by ratings without comment, I rate them as 0/0 without comment.
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He once wrote about Critique.He wrote: Listen to the Critiue, and think!! If you think it is right- accept it, If you think it is not, just ignor!! your inner truth as an artist is what counts. Good Advice!! Pnina Evental
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Steve, Peter has been here 7 months, he has rated 57 photos, left 11 comments of which 10 were on the same day - hardly what I'd call a participating member of high standing. If you go through his pictures carefully, you'll probably find the average ratings to be in-line with general consensus. I won't belabor the point of self-serving immature behavior, but I will emphasize how he and those who tag on his coattail with ratings, are sabotaging this site in ways I, as a paying member, resent deeply.
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Peter, my friend, I'm afraid I will have to agree with what Mr Chang has said in both of his above comments. You will not gain what you wish by posting like this. Regards.
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(1) I don't think that one need be a "participating member of high standing" to recognize flaws in the rating system. A rarely participating member of low standing could easily discover that what Peter has complained about happens all too often.



(2) "...he and those who tag on his coattail with ratings, are sabotaging this site in ways I, as a paying member, resent deeply. "



This seems like a rather elitist comment that I, as a nonpaying member, resent deeply. :)


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Yes, Michael, basically it's a good point. I'd say the thing most important personally for a photographer is not the status (Patron vs non-Patron, this is for the site), but commenting/rating contribution. You comment and rate first, than get something in return. Cooperation should be mutually beneficial. At fist sight the story looks different. Peter is disappointed with ratings. However, I agree that a lot depends on photographer's activity on the site. It's valid for any photosite, not only for PN. Makes sense to recall what Brian repeatedly saying, either you actively commenting/rating on images of others or upload really high quality images of your own.
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i guess ithas to do with a feeling of lust: lust to destroy, lust of power : this are normal reactions of persons with an inferiority~complex. and where is much light there always is more shadow.

( i hope i could express what i mean, my english is not too good) regards, anne

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I apologize for coming across in an unintended manner. Let me rephrase.


Just because this site is free doesn't mean it's free-for-all. There's an unspoken gentlemen's rule, as it were, about expected behavior that shouldn't require constant policing. Although I have no direct evidence, I suspect the silent majority are rule abiding members leaving the battle to site administrators (as I was), who are themselves battered, bruised and scared by needless pounding on essentially juvenile issues. Yes, we live in polite society where the majority don't wish to offend, but leaving the only voice of reason to site administrators will only bog them down, and distract them from the important work of betterment for all.


If you are really concerned with the site's working, don't be selfishly selective. Be patient, and most of all, be professional. Give the administrators a chance to sort things through, and give them all the support they need (and ask for). In time, you'll see incremental improvements that'll make us all proud.


My words were a little out of line with polite society, perhaps, so please disregard the delivery but internalize the content.

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this photo gives me a surge of emotion...i'm pretty sure it's anger from my own past experiences -- but 'tis odd, as i am also left helpless with a sense of sympathy (or empathy? eh, i forget the difference). but anyway, the same problem is over at usefilm...crappy snapshooters give crappy ratings, or they rate everything 7/7 so you'll be happy and rate their portfolio with high marks as well. or better yet, the absolutely horrid photographs that look like CRAP get great ratings and views, but the ones that took skill, talent, eyeballs, and a tripod get smacked down either with no views or ratings at all, or low ratings...i still don't know which is worse.
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You are spot on, I said something similar in a previous post. A few days ago, somome had received two threes. I looked to see the work of the guy giving the marks, and of course, he had no photos at all, and his average marks were both 3 point something. Don't know why they bother marking, nobody's going to take any notice of it. But as I said in my post, almost without exception, the worst marks do come from guys with nothing to show, or absolute rubbish. Probably makes them feel good, all powerful! A bunch of saddos!
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Ratings matter not my boy!! Commentary is key. Knowing how AND why my photos affect other people is what makes me a better photographer. I learn everyday by observing the work of others. And letting people know how their photos affect me, helps the photo.net community grow. That said, 1/1s and 7/7s are a dime a dozen. Forcing those ratings to come with commentary is the best thing photo.net ever HAD. Notice the past tense.

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This site is open for the world, and there are lots of people with negative intentions, so this will never stop. In my opinion, just ignore these ratings, these people only get what they want when you react.

From the more serious members and participans however we might expect an explanation, because only an extreme low rating is not constructive, and can only be regarded as an attempt to pull you down. I think even when the picture is just not somebodies taste, one can mention that, will be fine to me.

I think it's a pity this discussion became personal, it shouldn't be, because the subject is interesting enough. More about your picture: The way you write it is too much a revenge in my eyes, but it surely draws attention. No rating from me because it's not a photo, -or it should be 1/7, ( explanation for the 1 ) I see no aesthetics in your image 1. I think its original 7. Last I want to invite the frequent low raters to write their opinion down here, instead of rating....

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