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The Blue Lake and Visitors (Click for a larger view)


Copyright: @Alf Bailey Photography;
1/160 sec @ F/8 ISO 64 Focal Length 14 mm Tripod

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When I was told there was a blue lake nestled amongst the Welsh

Mountains I was a bit sceptical ......I mean blue ...really? But I was

amazed to find it was true! And No I haven't changed the colour at


In my quest to find the lake I happened upon the guy in the

foreground, it turned out he had hearing and speech difficulties ...but

between us we managed to communicate and it turned out he was

looking for the same place.....suffice to say....we both found it in the

end. The blue water is caused by the slate that was quarried here,

but it is very clean and fish can be seen jumping and swimming.

Your thoughts and comments are always appreciated

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Breathtakingly beautiful.  For you to have found this place...well - I think you will be back.  How could one stay away??  The clear water - detail so readily seen in the shallows of the bottom is striking.  The combinations of the many textured surfaces of the rock faces, moss and grasses is stunning. Combine that with the clarity of the 'blue' water - reflections - what a 'Gem' you found. I think I see what might be a 'cave' on the left further on the left??? I wonder if that wonderful 'blue' of the water is a sign that the water is very deep in that area??? I am so happy that you had a fine day for this image. I need to take another look - from the size of the image in this comment section I'm not sure if the man is taking a photo or if he is fishing??? I know you will want to go back there. I feel like I can 'breathe' in the view - fills my senses!

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I really needed more time to take in all of this image - I had not even noticed the dog - that answers my question of why the man had the 'blue cord'.  I was so enthralled by the 'blue' water and everything around it that I didn't notice the dog yet.  You did explain why the water is so blue - but if it is a Quarry - perhaps the depth of the water is also part of the equation.  I really think the man with his dog are meant to be in this composition - love the ripples in the water where the dog is exploring :)

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Wow, what exquisite detail in the rocks and such clarity in the water.  The geometric smoothness of the ripples add order to the chaotic rocks and work well to bring attention to what looks like "Mike the Dog" (Bing search that).  The blue hole in the lake looks like it might descend all the way to the Morlocks.  A really superior image... Mike   

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Alf,  What a wonderful border collie, the star of the image.  We have a border collie, Barclay, our third rescue border collie; so, we are border collie lovers.  Do you know the guy in the image?  I love the detail, texture, and reflection in this image.  And, the wrap around the pond is excellent.  This image looks a little different than some of your others as it's not as wide angle or broad in terms of distance that many of your others.  I feel the mood of tranquility and relaxation here.  Did someone drop a rock in the water to create the ripples around the dog or is this a dog made eddy?   Lovely image.   Larry

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Beautiful light and rich colours. Love the composition and textures of the rocks. The man and dog add interest and scale, very good. Best regards Ken.

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Wow, this is put together so well, the back of the rock formation making a nice frame, pristine reflection, photographer with dog making a nice ripple in the water - killer 

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Alf this is clearly a special place, and I can picture a great landscape photographer like you spending endless hours here. I think the man and his dog look like they naturally belong here and it was nice to include them in this image. The details in the rock is amazing as is the reflection. There is something special about the enclosed nature of this place, like you've discovered something that most don't know about and Mother Nature wants it kept that way. I'm going to put this into my faves so I can look at it further and whenever I want.....Good one my friend.

Best Always, Holger

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Nice composition and mood to this image, you are drawn to the man and the dog that make this image stand out from the ordinary, well done.

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The blue leash on the dog draws the viewer's eye to the man and the dog who are otherwise camouflaged into the scenery.  Well seen and beautifully captured.

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It's true, the dog appears only after quite some perusing- I guess our attention is so drawn to the over all view- lovely!

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You are like good wine - you get better with the passage of time. Terrific shot and like Gail, initially, I did not notice the man and the dog. Another photographer (ML) will be pleased that you included a human element in this landscape. Keep up the good work.


Larry- I doubt very much Alf would have created that eddy with a stone - might have spooked the dog. But what do I know?

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Alf,you  caught a very nice image and moment.About the lake is indeed spectacular to see this completely blue water,sometime nature offer us amazing thing like this one.Seems that this was a geological phenomenon here(maybe a glacier some more time ago)also possible that once was a quarry.The cherry on the cake is this man and dog,I like a lot moment caught when circle waves done by dog drinking water are seen.

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Humble Apologies for my late response!

I think it is very easy to overlook the foreground when first viewing this image as your eyes are drawn to the lake and its reflections.

Yes you are right of course, at some point I will return, I would love to see this place with a dusting of snow, and the edges of the lake turned to ice!

The "cave" that you noticed is a low tunnel and is in fact the only way into the lake. Yes I do think the deeper water shows the blue colour better and you can see where the rocky shelf ends and the deeper water begins.

The man is taking a photo and the ripples are coming from his dog who is taking the opportunity to have a cool drink :)


Thank you so much for taking the time to view this and share your thoughts Gail!


Best Regards






Hey they even named a dog after you :)

There again they named an Alien after me!

The quarry water does kind of look like a 3D hole, but it is water and blue water too  I think the colour has something to do with the slate that was quarried here.

Sincere Thanks!






Border collies are quite numerous in these parts, as you can appreciate being their homeland and sheep country.  They are amazing animals, tireless and very intelligent!

I met the guy in the image on the journey up to the lake. I asked him directions but it turned out that he had hearing and speech difficulties.We managed to communicate with some amateur sign language from me and he indicated he was looking for the lake also, then we met again when we both found the lake.

The ripples are from the dog who was intent on taking a drink, whilst at the same time the man was trying his best to take a photo!

Thank you so much for your thoughts and positive feedback Larry!





Many Thanks for your interest and kind words! An unusual landscape in some ways but I agree the man and dog added to the scene.

Best Regards






I had to back up a slope to get everything in, and was able to level the 14 mm wide angle lens so there didn't  seem to be a lot of distortion.  Some things just work out right :)

Many Thanks Tony!






You have somehow touched on just how it was!

The cave you can see at the end on the left is in fact a tunnel and the only way to access the place. When you come out from that semi dark tunnel and see the blue water and textured rock reflection, it kind of takes your breath away!

It really is a special place, off the beaten track and so secluded that you really have to seek it out!  I am truly honoured you consider it a favourite!

Sincere Thanks!






Thank you so much for your interest and kind words!






Many Thanks for your visit and positive feedback!






I have to admit I didn't plan to take a photo of the man and his dog, but they were there and when I saw the dog take a drink from the lake I thought "Why not"

Sincere Thanks






Yes that blue leash is rather conspicuous :)

Thank you so much for your interest and kind words!





Thank you so much!  I have taken more photo's of the dog, but haven't had a chance to process them yet!

Best Regards






Many Thanks!

I have to admit the location is rather special, and I'm kind of glad it's difficult to get to........it seems to have preserved it !





Thank you so much for your interest and positive feedback!


Best Regards






I agree I think the viewers eyes are naturally drawn to the lake and its reflections, the man and dog come second.

Thank you!






For a moment I thought you were going to say  "You are like a good wine...so put a cork in it! :)

You are right Tony I wouldn't risk losing my precious reflections by throwing stones , it was in fact the dog lapping at the water that caused the ripples!

Sincere Thanks!






You are right, the truth and nature are always more amazing than fiction!

This area though is man made, and although nature has taken over, it was originally a slate quarry. I think it is the minerals in the slate which give the water the blue colour!

I also agree with your comments regarding the man and his dog, a most fortunate moment!

Sincere Thanks Radu!









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I really like this landscape, the addition of the man and dog really sets it apart.  I was wondering if you moved in closer, focusing on the blue water reflecting the quarry wall.

Nicely done!


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An absolutely fabulous photograph!  You have captured a rare and superb scene.

Personally, when I look at a photograph, I have a desire to see an image where a skilful photographer has strikingly captured the different materials and textures that he/she witnessed live - and then presents them for me to see, as intensely and truly as he can.  It awakens my senses, sets them alight and challenges me to reach out and touch each object in my mind.  That criteria is present here in abundance.  When I click on the image for the larger view, I am magically transported and I become a part of the scene. I can 'feel' the smooth texture of the slate; 'feel' the cold wetness of the water as it teases my fingertips when I touch it's surface; I can almost witness the grasses and plants physically growing in the crevices of the slates. I can count the perfect ripples as each one breaks the surface of the water, grows increasingly larger and then disappears as if by magic.

A Photographer is one who invites me to view an image of what he saw.  An 'exceptional' Photographer is one who invites me, through his superb skill, to experience for myself what he saw, how he felt and what mattered to him.

You, Alf, are a truly gifted Photographer of the latter kind.

Thank you! 

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Many Thanks for your interest and kind words!

Yes, I did move in closer and have several different compositions. (Hopefully I will get round to positing one or two soon)

I found the closer I zoomed in, the more surreal the whole scene became. But quite effective as  an abstract too.

Best Regards






It really is most gratifying to read your comments!

I think that if I can enable a viewer to " be there" and experience the scene as I did, then I have succeeded in what I set out to do!

My Sincere Thanks for your most encouraging and heart warming comments!


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