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Wiggy ( click for larger view)


Copyright: @Alf Bailey Photography;
1/125 Sec @ F/ 6.3 ISO 200 Focal Length 400 mm Hand Held

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Meet my new model "Wiggy" who very kindly posed for me recently!


Rumour has it that Donald Trump shares the same hairstylist!


Your thoughts and comments are always appreciated!


Thank You!

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Now this is really funny Alf (excellent image too, but it's a such a hilarious scene that image quality must stand aside). Why do they do this, do you know?


Ps. It's not fair for any poor animal (that has no voice to speak back) to compare it with Trump, ok?

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Just the kind of oddball picture that really gives me a kick. I've gone through all the possible reasons for the deer's new hairstyle and I'll be damned if I can come up with anything that makes sense.
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That's hysterical. Alf you were in the right place at the right time. Puts a smile on my face. The way he just sits there as if to say " you can't see me right". Perfect.

BR, Holger

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Pretty awesome capture.  Hard to comment -- don't know if this was purposeful for fun or blending in.  "Me?  I wasn't playing with the tall grass....  What gave you that idea? ..."

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Hehe. Don't offend Wiggy by comparing him to Donald. This is a really funny image. Shot would be a very inappropriate term here.

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Difficult to trump this. Perhaps a new evolutionary development in this species and if it more easily attracts a spouse, then I predict we will "hair" more about it.

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I'm very pleased you like it and it brought some amusement Thank You!

Good question........why do they do it!  I have been told that they adorn themselves like this in order to make themselves look more fierce! But I must add it didn't seem to work in this case :)

And yes, you are right ......I take ti all back about the comparison to Trump!






So pleased that we managed to raise a smile and thank you very much!






We all do things that make no sense, humans have been drawing on their own skin and making holes in their bodies in which they insert bits of metal ...who are we to judge lol :)

Many Thanks!






You read it the very same way I did :) he takes himself so seriously too which just makes it all the more funny!

Sincere Thanks!






Many Thanks for your thoughts and kind words! Much appreciated!


Best Regards






Glad this brought a lighter moment for you!  And thank you so stopping o view and comment!






I am told that stags do this in an effort to look more fierce and menacing .... but looking at this guy...I'm not convinced lol

Tall grass.......now there has to be a story there :)

Many Thanks Donna!






Well I guess my career as a fashion photographer was short and sweet lol Many Thanks Mike!






I Apologise most profusely to Wiggy! :)


Many Thanks for your thoughts and kind words!






Such inspired poetry :)

Maybe he's a trained assassin!


Many Thanks!






One gets the impression it will be "Hair today gone tomorrow"  :)

Many Thanks!






So pleased you like it, and thank you so much!






We all need a little something to brighten our day and I'm so pleased "Wiggy" was able to provide it :)

Many Thanks











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This image, unlike the other of the buck, has an element of whimsy.  It's as if he found a really effective way to camouflage himself.  Perhaps it gives him an advantage over other bucks in the area, also enabling him to sneak up on an unsuspecting doe.  The color blending, by the way, is quite beautiful, especially the greens.


My best always,


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Many Thanks for your thoughts and kind words!

It looks very unusual and not least comical behaviour, but I think I know the reason. It would seem that at this time of year the bucks of a certain maturity are inclined to Rut! That is to say, even when they have no adversary, they will lower their antlers in a kind of practice and charge through the undergrowth thus getting covered in the bracken and grass.

Well that's my theory :)


Best Regards






Sincere Thanks for your thoughts and kind words!

So glad that this one made you smile, we all need something to smile about these days :)

Best Regards



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Hi Alf, Nature/wildlife shots are not easy at the best of times (well for some anyway) but to have captured this type of humorous moment is the icing on the cake! Think you have been very unfair putting this Deer in the same category as Trump though. Mr Trump can only aspire to look this good :-) Great capture and title! All the best. Sarah.

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I agree, wildlife is such a challenge to photograph, often hiding and seldom keeping still! No wonder I prefer landscapes :)

Yes you are quite right ....I stand suitably admonished for even suggestion a connection between this beautiful creature and ....the other creature lol


Many Thanks Sarah!



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