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Battle-Break (click for larger view)


Copyright: @Alf Bailey Photography;
1/20 sec @ F / 5.6 ISO 200Tripod

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I approached very slowly and used the surrounding trees for

cover ...he could see me but didn't seem threatened ...or maybe he

was just too tired to move!


Your thoughts and comments are always welcome .......Thank You!

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This is well composed and a very nice shot.  This guy has a great set of antlers.  Nothing like this in my part of Texas.  

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Well caught! Just be glad he didn't see you as a competitor- we have a friend that was attacked by a buck in rut!

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Alf, beautifully composed and captured. The warm and true colors make this very real (read no over saturation here). He looks tired and you've caught that and that's what makes this an excellent image.

BR, Holger

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Hi Alf,

I like the framing , where he there is wood the same color as he, scarred and missing the outside, as is he, with a branch on the left looking remarkably like his antlers.  I love the sense of peace.  


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Hi Alf. What a lovely moment you have captured. The lighting and feeling is magical and so beautifully composed. Just Subscribed to P.N again and missed the fact you were featured member. Congrats (albeit a bit belated) and very well deserved! Really appreciate your help and support with my images over the years and your time given to helping others here on P.N. All the best. Sarah.

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Many Thanks Bill. 

I have to travel to see these Bill, not as lucky as you with your back yard visitors :)


Best Regards






They can get very protective, but I kept back and slightly behind a tree.

Many Thanks for your kind words!






Thank you very much!  He did look tired although very alert too. He watched me the whole time, but it was raining and I don't think he wanted to give up the dry spot beneath the tree :)


Best Regards






I was very fortunate with the light in the background, it kind of framed his head and antlers so well.


Many Thanks for your thoughts and kind words!






He blended in so well I didn't spot him at first!  It becomes easy to see how that dappled patter helps them with the camouflage!

Thank you so much for your thoughtful observations and kind words!





I got very lucky with the lighting as a minute or so before it had been raining!

Thank you very much for your kind words, we all learn a little from each other and that's the way it should be, so I appreciate all your help too!

Best Regards





Thank You Richard. No I didn't ask this guy, but the next one I post, you would swear he was dressed for the occasion :)

Best Regards






I caught him when he was having a quiet moment and the background was illuminated with the morning sun.

Thank you so much for your kind words!





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You clearly are equally as capable photographing wildlife as you are with landscapes.  There's one element which, in my opinion, probably differentiates this image from others of a buck.  I'm referring to the fact that you caught this stately creature in repose partially behind a fallen log.  It's as if the buck chose this spot for camouflage purposes.  The log is hiding part of his left, hind leg as well as his rump and tail.  As others have noted, the colors presented here are well balanced and subtle enough so as to keep one's attention on the buck rather than the foliage.  Finally, I noticed a similarity in shape between the antlers and the y-shaped piece of wood jutting out toward the left bottom corner.  


Bravissimo, Maestro!


My best always,


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Thank you so much for your interest and kind words!


Best Regards






Wildlife is so much harder to photograph, none of it keeps still for very long for a start. Even this guy kept twitching his ears :)

Yes, and of course you have touched on the next difficulty, they hide themselves very effectively! Now that not only make them difficult to locate, but when you do finally locate them, you have to try and photograph them at an angle that will make them stand out to some extent from the background.

All in all. wildlife photographers have my utter admiration and respect!

Ahhh yes you noticed the Y shaped similarity between that twig and the antlers, as Donna S did also.  I was going to clone that bit out too, but glad I didn't now!

Thank you so much Michael!


Best Regards




PS I think you are going to like the next posting ...it adds a touch of humour whilst at the same time showing the art of camouflage from these wonderful creatures!

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Wonderfully natural and a handsome guy.  You have excellent stalking skills but perhaps he didn't see you as a viable challenge to his harem ;-)... Mike

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I decided not to read the prior comments before posting mine.  Had I done so, I would have given Donna S credit for the observation.

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Thank you so much, he appears very calm, or maybe he's just plain tired :)


Best Regards






I think they judge the threat by the size of your antlers! :)


He could see me the whole time, so I moved very slowly and gradually and stayed partly hidden by the tree which is just out of the shot to the left.


Many Thanks Mike!






Sometimes I think it is reassuring to know that someone else see's an aspect of the image with the same interpretation.  No matter who see's it first.

Thanks Michael!




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wow how cool is it that he is camouflaged into the tree stump... he seems relaxed but is very aware of the imposter as well
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For few minutes I look this splendid shot,large view shows a young forest king in whole splendor,is incredible how he looks with a nice color and impressive to me also is how nice is seen the light in the eye.

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Many Thanks! 


He was well hidden and I didn't see him until I was close.  But he didn't see too bothered by my presence.


Best Regards






Thank you so much for your kind words! 

The Nikon 80 - 400 mm is a great lens, and captures the detail very well. 

Best Regards 




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