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© © 2016, John Crosley/Crosley Trust, All Rights Reserved, No reproduction or other use without express prior written permission from copyright holder

'The Long Flight Layover'


Software: Adobe Photoshop CC 2015.5 (Windows)


© © 2016, John Crosley/Crosley Trust, All Rights Reserved, No reproduction or other use without express prior written permission from copyright holder

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Traveling by plane can be enormously fatiguing, and traveling with small children can

be tiring to the nth power. Here a momma takes an opportunity for a snooze while her

child rests on her back, shoes on the floor, as they await their next flight, a long time

from when this photo was taken. Your critiques, ratings, and observations are invited

and most welcome. If you rate harshly, very critically, or wish to make a remark,

please submit a helpful and constructive comment; please share your photographic

knowledge to help improve my photography. Thanks! Enjoy! john

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One look at this photo's view of shoes at the base raises the question, 'where's poppa?'


Two bodies, three pairs of shoes.  And large ones at that; somebody's missing.




John (Crosley)

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Nobody has commented.


The term 'layover', as used here, has a double meaning.


Who'd have thunk, 'layover' as a double entendre?


Do I have to explain it, or can you all figure it out?   English speakers may find it easy, but if you're a non-native English speaker, maybe you'll need my help.  If so, just ask.




John (Crosley)

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I like your comment.  It's economical with words, well written, knowledgeable, and helpful.


I am very appreciative.




John (Crosley)

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Have you made preparations for enter the Hamdan (HIPA) photography competition which closes Oct. 31, no fee and digital submission only.  See 'new facts' for specifics.  Maximum prize is about $120,000 and individual categories (e.g., street, digital manipulation, general, etc. are about maximum of $25,000 per category in addition to the maximum prize with smaller runner up prizes.


You can find it on the web; its from the United Arab Emirates (Dubai I think), in their bid to become the art center of the universe.




John (Crosley)



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I hope you were able to join the competition as your photography is superb and there was NO entry fee.


I was pleased to give you that information and hope that you are blessed by good fortune in that contest (and that we both are).




John (Crosley)

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Because of server difficulties, the Hamdan Contest (Hipa) which was closed, has reopened for 72 hours ending at 11 a.m Dubai time on Friday this week.

Other who tried to upload and were unable to connect (or thought they were not connected because they did not 'see' the connection, though they were connected, but it was not confirmed, or who got the 'oops' error message, will be glad to know they can finish their no cost submissions and still be in contention for this, the world's most generous prize photo competition.


John (Crosley)

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