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© Laura Marco Art Photography




© Laura Marco Art Photography

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Fine Art

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In this case the inscription on the marble plaque that closes the crypt, gives the title to this artwork. Wine is the symbol of life, as blood that spills and finally falls into the crypt. As the legend says, " AQVIVIENE APARAR LAVIDA ", ("Here is where Life ends").

In that hole, blood, beauty, life, hopes, dreams ... will end, will stop. Revealing this idea as a good summary that reminds us that nothing is eternal. I've frequently visited the Cathedral of Murcia, when I was a student, many times I had to wait due to bus schedules, then I moved around the city, walking ... and I almost always ended there, looking for the tranquility of the place. This wasn't my destination moved by any religious zeal, or any belief. Maybe the reasons were that the space is quite vast, freshness within those walls, or especially thanks to silence. The silence. My most handy throughout sentence daily is: "Silence, please!". I need silence, to think and rest. In my case, like one drinks water every day, I need to enjoy moments of silence.


In the cathedral many fine artworks can be found. One can enjoy paintings hanging in private chapels. Glancing at those artworks, it's easy to realize that maybe many answers regarding composition, colors etc. are there in front of our eyes. There're photographers who are troubled with many themes: it seems wrong to change colors, to change lights seems to be wrong as well, but I do not feel that inner struggle, I look in front of me ... and answers show themselves, hanging on the walls :)


The floor is glazed tile, from the XVI century. Belongs to a private chapel, called "Chapel of Junterones", when I saw the slabs and the legend, I knew that I loved to highlight this so absolute truth. It's there where we end. Well, not all of us, because this is a chapel for rich and influential people. I couldn't cover the whole scene behind a fence, I hadn't the necessary focal length, but this fact, did not discourage me at all. "With the objective that I have, I do what I can". Adding the fact that I'm not very high, I suffered to get a clear and clean scene of the floor and the crypt.


Murcia is very beautiful. If you're going to visit the cathedral, when you seek the floor of the chapel of Junterones, you'll remember me, maybe thinking: "Hey!, this is the floor and the idea that Laura liked so much" :)


The wine is a red one from Ricote. The glass cup is my trousseau. I myself... lying with the dress that my mother gave to me as a present long ago.


Hope you like it!. Kisses.

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You said it all, Laura!


For me is only to agree, approve or disapprove and maybe express my enchantment!


I will do the latest!





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Absolutely stunning and beautiful artwork. I do not always comment on your postings, which generally are very good, but some are a bit complicated for interpretation and comment. This image is more clear-cut about its meaning and I think it is wonderfully done. Sincere congratulations Laura. Regards, Wobby.

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Thank you very much! dear Pierre, very glad about your enchantment.

I appreciate your comment very much and your visit to this image. ¡Un abrazo!.



Dear Wobby, thank you very much!, I do not expect that others should always discuss or comment on the images. It makes me happy that they do so when they feel to or are attracted to some aspect in particular. All shared thoughts and opinons are welcome :)

I've enjoyed making this image. I had a very clear idea from the start and may be shown in a general overview.

I appreciate your visit and comment and I'm glad you liked it.

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Again, the depth of your incite and imagination that go into the composition of your photos is quite extraordinary. I can only comment that when a photo keeps me examining every inch and holds my full attention for a very long time I do appreciate it. This is excellent work! And again, the lighting is first rate!

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Dear Warren, many thanks for your compliment and glad you've liked this work.

For me the most wonderful is to be able to "arise interest in the viewers", and that each image could present a sparkle that is common and familiar or a feeling shared by all.

Colors and lighting, is what attracts me most in photography. Above all: light.


Very grateful for your visit and this very positive appreciation of the work.


Kindest regards, Laura.

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