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All I Want Is Her Kiss!!! (enlarge)

Img_333716XZPN_08_04_2016_Canon Rebel T4i_Canon EF 100mm f2.8 macro USM - _Focal Length: 100mm - Shutter Speed: 1/64th sec - ISO:200 - Shutter Priority - Sport Metering - Handheld - Canon 430EXll Flash Fired - Adobe CS6

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I know most people don't care for writing on images - but this one I

am posting for fun - out of Love - just because - because I am her

Gran and I just Love her so much. This moment was just so

Random and delighted me so much. If I can Post because it makes

me Happy and Joyous and so full of so much LOVE for this wee girl.

If she momentarily takes away all that is dark and evil and awful in

our world then I am the luckiest woman on Earth. I am blessed and

so thankful to be just Grandma

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I can almost smell that unique baby waft (best smell ever in our world) Gail!

Enjoy every single second with her and your family.

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You didn't have to write that word on the picture, Gail, for it comes to everybody's mind when one see this cute little baby!


Cheers to that



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Dear Gail, It's a great photo and that it brings that much joy to you is just as great. There's room for all types of images in this world and the ones that make us happy are the best ones to share. This is cute and tastefully done.

Your Friend Always, Holger

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Bless both of you Gail. She is absolutely adorable. An excellent picture . In years to come she will look at it and say: 'My Granny took that'.
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Preciosa, she is so lovely and lucky to have you. Congratulations, amiga, God bless your nieta linda.

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She is a sweetie, and I love that you she brings you so much joy.  May your happiness and the great relationship you have with her grow and overflow with goodness for years and years.

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Gail you have given us your Layla in a way that we can look at her for long time! Knowing that she gives you joy and love it connects we our souls! Life is about the human connections that we are able to bring into our hearts! Congratulations for being in the spiritual awaking process and involve all of us with your wonderful creativity! Love and Light to you and Layla. Warm regards from Miami.
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Many thanks for all of you who dropped by to share your thoughts with me, I hope to get back in a few days to do my replies.

With sincere thanks, Gail

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If we can feel love & joy from the simple pleasures, the smile and laughter of a child,  a sleeping infant, a gurgling sound, a funny face, then we are indeed blessed. Even better when you are a grandparent, you get all the best bits and can then hand them back : - ) 

All the very best to you Gail.



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thanks so much Alf!!  she is a bit of a character and so much fun. She is very petite and I find myself marvelling every time I see her tettering off along the uneven grass at Jess's place that she is this little human being that is capable of so much.  Poor thing has had a rough few months with ear infections but we hope to visit soon - they remind us of the good in the world - that possibly there is hope.  At least hope for her as she grows older - wish this 'innocence' could last forever! Thanks so much for dropping by to say hello - always enjoy hearing from you and hearing what you think of my images.

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thank you both for those lovely wishes for us and Layla.  She has been sick for a bit with a Virus but is doing much better now and we are long overdue for a visit - I know I will see a change in her. Really have been missing her. We had some busy weeks with getting new Air Con, then Furnace and Water Heater - cleaning out the furnace room and putting it all back together - I still have piles of things to sort out. I don't ever want to move soon!!!

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