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© Laura Marco Art Photography




© Laura Marco Art Photography

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Fine Art

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Poor girl, with an unlived life, sleeping now in eternal rest.

Your story only exists in thoughts, no clutch so short ...

I don't know what to do with your pretty sandals, shriveled with time.

Anything material can't be taken beyond with us. No faces, no smiles.

No longer it makes sense. I can only look at them, showing the end of an unlived





Please, enlarge to better appreciate colors and details!  Thank you!  :)

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You're a true artist.  This image is thought provoking and haunting.  Congratulations. 

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Hi Matthew, thank you very much for the compliment, you make me feel very proud of the work made here.

The truth is that... at night, when I switched off the computer screen with the image ready to be published ... I was a little afraid... because I contemplated it as I had thought and because the sandals hold in her hands are "real old ones", as described in the short story that accompanies this image. I felt great respect.

Thank you very much for your visit, much appreciated.


Kindest regards, Laura

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Hi Wobby, thank you very much for your compliment, your visit always leaves me very happy. I'm glad you like the images, your impressions are very much appreciated.


You are a sweetheart! :)

Kindest regards, Laura

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Quei piccoli sandali tenuti tra le tue mani danno l'idea della età della bambina.

La descrizione che ne hai dato rimarca la tua grande sensibilità e rende molto commovente questa bella immagine. Sei una grande artista. Ciao Giangiorgio


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Querida Laura, vedo un tuo grande impegno per una grande, drammatica e struggente immagine! Una delle migliori! Complimenti! Ciao e buon lavoro Gianni.



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Hi Jörg, thank you for your impression about this image.


I suffered a lot to abstract the essential elements that could eventually show a true reflection of the idea or feeling that underlays behind its creation.

I've noticed that ... sometimes ... I work, work and work ... until I can get closer to the original idea that was in my mind, being a process that once it's started, I can not stop until I've accomplished it. Sometimes it develops faster , in another occasions it means more effort and it always goes without stopping, can be an hour ... or may imply hours with little breaks until my self-being gets relaxed when I contemplate what I wanted before my eyes. Then I stop... and the following to make, is just dealing with "details". This image was complicated in this aspect.


With simple elements, many stories can be told or incite the viewer's imagination.

Thank you very much for your visit, much appreciated.

Kindest regards, Laura.

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Caro Giangiorgio,

My mother also told me long ago something similar about the matter of "sensitivity" :)


She said to me: "Laura, you're very sensitive, then you will not be happy in this life."


There are phrases that are recorded and kept within us forever and even more coming from such an important person to me.

I also believe that "sensitive people" are extremely unhappy.

All hits them like a big mace.

I'm glad you like this image and I'm very grateful for your lovely visit.

I also want to tell you that  ... I still do not really know who I am ... is a search that ... I'm afraid never ends in life.


Thanks for all the good things you tell me here, much appreciated.

Con cariño, Laura.

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Caro Gianni,  :)  ... yes!,

I'm determined to change the World, turn around situations, put everything upside down, that white would be black and black would be white; put into doubt all that is considered as valid, press to form cracks ... yes, and ... at the end when I have no more strength, I will rest at last, in peace. I hope so :)


I'm glad you like this image. Thank you very much for your visit, much appreciated.

Con cariño, Laura.

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such as sadness and concern for me and all humans that experience pain and suffering!

Your creativity is amazing my friend. you are a true superb artist.

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Dear Jorge, thank you for your visit and for your insightful appreciation of this image. 

Comments are the spark that helps me to move forward.


I imagine the following feeling would have happened to everyone: there comes a time when we think, "till this point I've traveled my path, have no more strength to go beyond" and then rest ... Everyone is behind their own work, it's normal! ... everyone looking at their own belly button. So, when it seems that all doors are closed, when we feel alone ... then "a new window is opened" tiny but open ... where fresh air enters through and it encourages us to follow, giving us that emotion, that force so necessary to be each day behind our dreams.

For me comments like yours, make worthy all my efforts, they're the breeze blowing my sails ... helping me to follow ...


I'm very grateful!. Con cariño, Laura.

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