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© © Alf Bailey Photography 2016



Copyright: @Alf Bailey Photography;
1/15 sec @ F/11 Focal Length 16 mm Tripod


© © Alf Bailey Photography 2016

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A long walk through the pine forest and another trek along the beach, but finally I got

there to catch the early light and I fell in love with the place once again! Your

thoughts and comments are always appreciated. Thank You!

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another great scene with beautiful light.  The light and clouds are very impressive.  You must have been up early to get this kind of light.

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Your spot on here Alf - I like the sunlight peeking through in the foreground, framed by the rocks, great exposure. The house in the background mirroring the one located on the left and that sky, I have an erection over that sky

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Gorgeous, Alf.  I love the light warming various portions of this composition... and the paths... and the rocks and pools of water.  This is rugged and exhilarating.  There are so many directions of movement here and interesting landscape.  A special place indeed, where the viewer could imagine herself in a medley of spots.  

A read your interview.  Congratulations!  I enjoyed it very much

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Alf,   This is absolutely wonderful.  The distant mountains and angle of the clouds take the eye far into the distance, perhaps an indicator of the range of the lighthouse beacon. And, the details shown with the larger view bring me right there.  I like the combination of clarity and softness, light and shadow.  Excellent, Alf.   Larry

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The saying '' The early bird catches the worm'' is true...:-). Early morning light is my favorite and here you captured it very well. The picture has amazing depth and quality.


Very well done my friend !!.



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This has classic composition Alf. The line from point a to b is clearly visible and it draws me into the whole scene. Very enjoyable light in the foreground and well balanced with the cloudy sky. Great work.

Best Always, Holger

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Wow, a fine painting that has come to life as a photograph or this fine photograph would make a superb painting.  My hallmark of an excellent landscape is when I feel like I'm there and, man, I'm standing at your elbow here.  Good stuff... Mike

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Hi Alf,

  Wow...breathtaking scene with beautiful colors, composition & details.  Needs blowing up really large & put on canvas in a gallery.  Excellent work as always.  Take care, Patsy

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A wonderful panorama taken, it always seems so, from the perfect vantage point. Beautifully composed, Alf, but it still seems fresh and not overly thought out.
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Many Thanks for your interest and kind words. I was up at 3.00 am and arrived at the location at about 5.30 am and had the place to myself for about 3 hours.......pure bliss! 

Best Regards 






Thank you so much!   It's a great location for landscape / seascapes.


Best Regards 






Many Thanks for your thoughts and kind words!  There is a great deal of history attached to this place which has it's own kind of magic!.  Not least the story of St Dyffryn (The Welsh Patron Saint of Love)  that makes fascinating reading. 

Best Regards 






Thank you for your thoughts and kind words!  The structures are both lighthouses from different ages, but they would make a very interesting home!  The sun was burning the clouds rapidly so they sky didn't last long, nice while it did though! : - ) 


Best Regards 






The terrain is rough and walking can be quite exhausting, but every step is worth the effort, it's such a magical place, filed with folklore and history. There are deserted sandy beaches, amazing rock formations and rough pastures on which the wild ponies graze.  Needless to say, I love it! 

As mentioned previously St Dyffryn a woman whose history is recorded from here and is the Welsh equivalent to our St Valentine makes interesting reading.

Glad you enjoyed reading the interview, and thank you so much for your warm words!  


Kind Regards 






Many Thanks for your thoughts and positive feedback!  The distant mountains are the Snowdonia Range that are on the mainland of the North Wales coast.  In the winter they would be covered in snow, but trying to get a day when it wasn't blowing a gale has proved difficult in this very exposed spot!  

Cheers Larry! 






Thank you for your interest and positive feedback! 


Best Regards 






I was in my element, deserted beaches, early morning light and amazing scenery! What more could a man ask for?.........Well a bacon sandwich would have been nice : - ) 

Sincere Thanks my friend! 






Thank you so much, its very gratifying to read that you like it!  I am totally besotted with this place, but it gets ever more popular with time and consequently I have to get up earlier : - ) 

Best Regards 






Many Thanks for your enthusiastic response! Much appreciated! 


Best Regards






Stand to the left, there's a 40 ft drop to the right! : - ) 


When the light is right here, it creates such a magical landscape and I'm truly delighted that it's been communicated to you so strongly! 

Sincere Thanks! 






Thank you so much for your positive comments! Very much appreciated! 


Best Regards 






I used the Nikon 14 - 24 mm lens for this shot, which fortunately allows so many numerous options in terms of composition.  I did what I usually do when faced with such diverse choice, I walked around a bit looking through the view finder from time to time, kneeling down, standing up etc , until I found this shot...and a few more! 

Sincere Thanks 





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There's so much about this image that makes me want to see it hanging in a museum.  (I'm not so selfish as to want it for myself, hanging in my house.)  First, as is a hallmark of your work, each color is quiet enough to create symbiosis with each other one.  The fine detail is precise and sharp, but not to the point of distracting from the image's overall impact.  Somehow you were able to find a companion to the otherwise potentially lonely beacon.  But the companion knows its place; it does not compete with the beacon's majestic reach for the sky.  Finally, I love how you captured the stairs that gently wind their way to the top of the promontory on which the beacon sits.


My best,


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The light is great , the scene is very appealing and the capture is without fault IMHO. Well Done.

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Well worth the effort, Alf. Superb shot. I can think of no way to improve on it.




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A beautiful image Alf, I have never visited the island for sunrise and seeing how you have captured the sidelight on the lighthouse has made me add it to my list of places to visit.


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That's quite a photo!  Knowledge of one's equipment, photographic technique and composition are not sufficient, without more, to take such a photo.  Knowledge of the local area, patience and persistence in waiting for the right season and weather, and a willingness to get very early, get set up in advance, and be ready when just the right light appears for a brief time, are also necessary.  You've done an exceptional job with this one -- nice work!

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Thank you so much for your most encouraging words! 

Most people just want to see me hanging in a museum : - ) 

I try to keep processing to a minimum, mostly because of the time aspect, but also because I like the convey the image as I have seen it. But today I met a guy who spends hours processing just one image, and I have to say the images he showed me looked incredible! 

I don't think there is a right or a wrong here, just personal taste and what you are comfortable with. 

Best Regards to you Michael






Thank you so much for your thoughtful feedback, it really is appreciated! 


Best Regards 






Many Thanks for your interest and kind words! 


Best Regards 






Thank you for your thoughtful feedback! 


Best Regards 






Good to hear from you and thank you so much for your invaluable feedback! 


Best Regards 






I saw an image like this with the dawn light about 5 years ago, and have tried to get a similar on ever since, but alas, every time I managed to get here for the dawn light, there was a mass of clouds or the wind on the headland was so strong I could hardly stand up!  But it's definitely worth persisting! 

Many Thanks Jed 






I have to agree with you. Very often I have visited locations where I know there are great photo opportunities, but haven't managed to get the right light. But gathering the knowledge with exploratory journeys are all part of the quest for that special photo and I enjoy every minute, even when I come home without anything worth processing. 

Sincere Thanks for your thoughtful feedback! 


Best Regards 



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Hello Alf. There is plenty to enjoy in this shot, not least the fantastic light which, through timing and framing, perfectly illuminates the important elements in the foreground, middle distance and background each. I love how the light appears just a smudge warmer on the hill below the main tower. The colours are lovely and subtle as always. It does appear as though both towers, through lens distortion, lean outwards a little. An easy fix that would not compromise the image at all. Also, this image is, especially in comparison to your usually very soft landscapes, very very crisp. The level of detail is superb, but it appears to me, at least in this upload when viewed full size, just a little crunchy. Small distractions fro a lovely image that caught my attention and forced my otherwise lazy fingers to contribute a comment. Thank you.

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Many Thanks for taking the time to view and comment, very much appreciated! 

This image was a result of perseverance as much as anything else.  I have tried to catch this type of light at this location on at least 5 previous occasions all to no avail, until this time.  

I did notice myself that the tower on the left leans outwards and I agree it's probably a bit of distortion from the very wide angle lens.  I also agree  that it is a bit "crunchy" I think the "save for web" option sometimes takes the sharpness a stage too far. 

Thanks again Scott 


Best Regards 



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