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Calvary (2016)


21mm, f/5.6, ISO 100. Fifteen 5-minute exposures blended using Floris star trail stacker. The structures were painted with an off-camera flash and the path was illuminated using a LED torch.

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This is an old calvary in the central Slovakia. Taken shortly after

the sunset at the beginning of April. It was an enjoyable experience

to photograph the calvary in the silence, disconnected from the daily

rush of the life in the city. Your opinions and suggestions for

improvement are welcomed.

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Excellent work! Great mood, composition and gestion of exposures/post-processing. That's a 6!

Not too fan of the greenish tint of the path, but it is a matter of taste, of course.

Best regards,


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Very beautiful night capture, with excellent exposure , great light and shadows details, I like it so much.


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Alain, Chris, Saad, thank you! Alain, the greenish tint is due to the strong illumination of growing grass by the LED torch, showing more daytime colors of the grass. Best regards. Peter

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Excellent nigh view. I like the composition, the atmosphere, the colours, the lines of the stars in the sky. The only thing I don't like is the tilt of the calvary. I would have straightened. But it is a matter of taste.

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Thank you, Henri, for sharing your thoughts about the photo! I found the tilt is difficult to correct without losing parts of the image. I am not an expert in PhotoShop, so perhaps in the future I shall learn how to do it and re-process.

Best wishes.


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Peter, it is not very difficult to straighten the verticals, and here there is very little lost of picture. Do you accept the edits on your photos ? I can post the photo with the verticals straightened and explain to you how to do it with Photoshop.

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Thank you Henri. Yes you can do it and post to this thread. I tried with Perspective Crop, but I did not like the result.

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Excuse me Peter, I had completely forgotten my proposal.

And now, I don't know how to insert the image here. I have loaded it in my Single photo gallery.



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Thank you very much, Henri, for taking the time to correct the tilt. Now it is straight, but there is something that keeps me at odds about whether I like it. The foreground small building now occupies much more image area, which makes it very prominent. And the church is now slightly deformed. What procedure did you use, Perspetive Crop or something else? Best regards. Peter

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You are right Peter, the church is slightly deformed. It is because I have worked too fast. I used the deformation tool : perpective, tilt and dilation (or homothety). For the small building in the foreground, it may be necessary to shrink it by homothetic deformation.

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Another approach in PS:

Select Tab: All

Edit Tab: transform, distort and then tinker with the little squares on the corners of the image. 


I'm doing this from memory so if it leads to a dead end, let me know and I will check it out. 

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Very nice work with the light Peter. Very long exposure judging according star trails and still well managed foreground illumination on man-made object. I have that feeling like I'm walking along that trail as I used when I was a kid. Krasne!


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Ahoj Miro! Thank you for your comment. It is a composite of 15 exposures, 5 minutes each. During some of the exposures, I painted with light and there was a candle in the window of the structure. Are you from that region? Best wishes. Peter

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