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© © Alf Bailey Photography 2016



1/1250 sec @ F/11 ISO 800Focal Length 140 mm Hand Held


© © Alf Bailey Photography 2016

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Hi Alf, When I view this large, and that's a must with your images to completely enjoy and appreciate them, I realize the immenseness of the mountains. It's beautiful with its' naturally blue tone and the low flying birds and that island give the image a good balance. Yup, another beauty Alf.

Best Always, Holger

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A recent trip to the UK lake district was proving frustrating with Canada Geese making

a great commotion and disturbing the otherwise perfectly still water. But I think they

redeemed themselves slightly when I got this shot of two of them exiting the scene : - )

Your thoughts and comments are always welcome Thank You.

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Alf; A beautiful scene, very well captured and presented. Once again you have tickled our imaginations with your photography. Thank you for sharing.

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Wonderful.  To me the geese, as irritating as they can be sometimes, make the scene; adding an element of interest, content and scale to the background beauty.  Really good stuff... Mike

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The range of blues here is fantastic. The Canada Geese flying towards the mist makes for an intriguing composition and successfully draws the viewers eye into the frame.


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Alf, how wonderful to see another posting of yours!  My eyes are immediately drawn to the geese, which do disturb the stillness, but animate the photograph in a very nice way -- the low flying the beautiful reflections, and somehow they almost provide their voices, which I can imagining slightly echoing in the mountains.  The bit of small island nicely balances them in the composition.  If anything, it might be interesting to see this with a bit less sky, as so much goes on from mountain tops downward.


Was it to the Lake District the Jane Austin's Elizabeth travelled or was headed on the trip that found her make her way to Darcy's estate?


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The birds make a big impact on the aesthetics. Their position perfectly balances with the foreground shrub on the left. Well done. My late uncle who was a medical doctor all of his life in your part of the world thoroughly enjoyed walking in the Lake District.

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Nicely composed.  I would erase the small spot in the sky at upper right and perhaps the blotchy cloud below it.

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Hello Alf,

Great landscape image! The flying birds add a sense of scale to this wonderful wild place.


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To start, I am in full agreement with all of the comments already posted.  Yet I am compelled to comment further on the concern you voiced in your narrative about the noise from the geese.  


First and foremost, I wouldn't know that the birds are geese if you hadn't posted the narrative.  They simply are flying in tandem, their wings either in mid-flap or simply coasting on the wind.  They are but a few feet above the tranquil, pleasantly blue, water.  In other words, there's nothing at all to prompt us to think that the mood of this scene is other than peaceful.  This is augmented by the slight predominance of cool color tones. 


On another note . . . you masterfully captured the position of the geese on line with the island, which encouraged me to look at the image as an organic whole, rather than just a melange of elements.  And, by the way, the island has a magic all its own.


My best always,




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You have captured the essence of light and space..A magnificent spectacle my friend. Well done !.
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Many Thanks for your thoughts and positive feedback much appreciated! 

I always try to include a larger a view, as I always enjoy seeing others photo's this way.  These birds were the last two to exit the scene of the crime ( the crime being disturbing the stillness of the water ) there were about 2 dozen of them previously, making a right commotion!  but I guess they were around here before I was : - ) 

Best Regards 






Thank you so much!  It was not long after dawn but it was almost cloudless and quite bright. 

Best Regards 






Thank you so much for your interest and kind words! 






They do say we are only limited by our imagination, so your words are particularly gratifying to read.  Thank You! 


Best Regards 






Irritating .....that's an understatement, I was almost wishing my camera was a gun at one point lol 

But yes I think you are correct, the little element of life and movement that they provide here does add a great deal to the scene.  

Sincere Thanks 






Many Thanks, the waters did finally settle after they left, and I got some decent shots. The strange thing is, I don't like any of them as much as this one, and for all the reason you have so eloquently pointed out! 

Best Regards 






Thank you so much for your thoughts and comments.  Your observations are totally accurate and your imagination also. The sounds of the geese could be heard from a long way off which was fine when there was only two, but very noisy when there was dozens earlier in the morning : - )   Yes,  I agree it does work with a bit less sky. 

I haven't read  "Pride &  Prejudice"  however from what I understand I don't think it was the Lake District that Elizabeth travelled to or from as Darcy's estate was in Derbyshire, whilst she lived at an address in Herefordshire, neither of which would necessitate going near the lake District : - )

Warm Regards






Sincere Thanks! 






Many Thanks  for your thoughtful observations and kind words! 


The Lake District has been the inspiration for a multitude of artists, poets and photographers and hopefully continue to be be so into the future! 

Best Regards 






Many Thanks for your positive feedback! 








I agree, as much as they were bloody annoying, the birds did make this image! 


Sincere Thanks! 






Many Thanks for your kind words and "eagle eye" much appreciated! 






Many Thanks for your thoughtful feedback! 


Best Regards 






You are quite right, the image has been conveyed and perceived as I intended with the impression of peace and tranquillity. My narrative was perhaps an explanation to the scene just a few minutes previous to the shot being taken, it was pandemonium! : - ) 

I was quite fortunate that I had some warning to line the shot up as these two flew from behind my right shoulder, and I could track them with the camera until they were just in the right position.  I agree with you about the island, it does seem to have a mystical quality. 

Sincere Thanks for your thoughtful feedback and kind words! 


Best Regards 






I could not ask for anyone more qualified to comment on "spectacles"  : - ) 


But seriously, I really value your feedback!



Best Regards my Friend! 






Thank you so much! 




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Many Thanks for your thoughtful comments.  I hadn't really considered printing this one, but maybe I will : - ) 

Best Regards 






Thank you so much for your interest and supportive words, very much appreciated! 


Best Regards



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Beautiful scenery. I think everything has been said about this photo and I join the others. Thank you for commenting on my photo. And congratulations on the interview on PN. Interesting reading.

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Many Thanks for your interest and kind words! I am very pleased you enjoyed reading the interview. 


Best Regards 



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