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At the Frozen Shores of Lake-Simcoe, Canada.


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Impressive view. Fantastic B&W. I love how you bring here nature in all its splendour and desolation.



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Impressive shot, classically composed. The purity of the background seves as an almost bare stage for our solo dancer.


As of my comment, 281 people have viewed this picture and only three have been moved to write a word or two. It is silent testimony to the continuing disintegration of a once-vibrant photo sharing community.

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Yes,  283  and  only  3  get the effort  to  wright a comments.  Maybe,  the  image  not  worth a line, maybe it  is  boring, not a naked  girl  or a red  orange sunset  or,  . . . what ever.  People  today  not  talkative  anymore,  they are  busy,  so they said,  or getting uninterested  for  some reason.  They rushing to an other  photo web site, hoping to see  more exiting images,  or  try to get  more attention of  they images  there. I know  people  around me, whom  try  every  photo  web  site  to  exhibit  they work. Yes,  I  noticed,  the  quality on this  web  site  really low  and  many  good  photographer  all ready  left this  place. It is  ok, I don't  posting  my  images  to compete  to anybody,  it  is  for  me, my  friends  and  for myself. 

Thank you for  your  visit and comments  for all of  you.

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Bela, congratulations on being chosen to be one of the 'Featured Member Photographers'. A really deserved recognition :) You have being doing some wonderful  and consistent images.



PS: Somehow I wasn't able to leave this message there 

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Hi Bela,

As always, impressive work! Clever composition. I especially like how the sky and the snow divide the image in 2, and the rocks and tree rupture that symmetry.

To be honnest, you post so many extraordinary images from so many places that I have started lately to wonder if you are a single person (or if you are assisted by Ansel Adam's ghost?) and if you really take all those pictures yourself. Now that I read the interview on PN, I understand that the simple explanation is your amazing talent!!! Congrats!

Best regards,


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Nicely said, Alain!

The picture is brilliant, of course!

I want to express in short my understanding of members passiveness and unwillingness to share thoughts and critique. I tend to think that it comes down to simple 'give and take' principle. As you know, the grand majority of photos have zero comments and therefore authors feel somewhat unsatisfied (sometimes underrated) and do not want to 'give'. The more new members (tend to be with less experience) there are and the more photos they submit, the less the opportunity that those authors who want to 'give' can spot the works worth noticing. If more experienced members had a bit more time to stop by beginners' shots and give constructive critique or comments, the beginners would probably be more motivated to study and understand photography and as a result be willing to 'give'. As far as I can judge from what I see here on PN, masters stick together with masters, which is understandable by all means... Just my two cents to the subject brought up earlier. Once again, congrats on your nomination, Bela, and on this marvellous shot!



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Thank you for your comments  for all of  you.


Vjacheslav; What you saying here  is  correct  to a certain point.  As long as you not  getting a nasty reaction of a constructive comments, you  are right.  The problem is,  some  people  just  like to  haw a "nice"  comment  for  they  images  without  self  critic  they own  work.  The  problem  with some  beginners  they think they  know  what they are  doing, and  the  really don't. Sometime  to help  a person  with  comments,  suggestion, etc.,  need a time  to work  with the person,  before  they  taking  your  advise  seriously, thinking,  they  know  what they are  doing  and  they  producing  great images,  when  they not.  I  just had a personal experience,  more  the  one  year,  getting out  shooting  with the  person  and  the  person  just now  start  to  take  my advise seriously,  So, haw  can I  give a constructive  comment  for a very  beginner, beginner  whom  not  taking any effort  to teach themselves,  by look of  advanced  photographer  images, books,  galleries  of  painters and so on.  It  is  almost impossible  to  start  photography by  baying a camera  and  no  pre education  of  the tools  and  art, what ever  art  required.  The second  statement of  you, "Masters  with masters". It is  simple. To  recognize a good  image,  you has to  be a good  photographer, well  versed  in art general,  you  has to have a lots  of  education, self or  institution.  Like  art school, college  , etc. Even with a lots of  talent,  you still has  to  work, polishing  you  talent  to be usable.   I'm a 77 yea  old men  and  still learning, watching other  people  creation, artistically and technically too. Yes,  some  people  can do it  by they talent alone,  Vivian Maier,  for one,  some  with a "lots  of  help  behind them". As I said  all ready, do not  chase  popularity,  chase  artistry of  you  stile  and talent. Never  copy anybody,  but,  you  can learns a lots  from  other  people  how  to see  subject, because, that  is  the  most important  point  to  be a good artist,  to  learn  to see. You do not  have to quit  if  you images  not  getting any  attention  of  the  millions  here,  keep  going and  learn, learn  to improve  you  work,  and  when you get some  comments,  try  to think about it,  like it  is  not  your work  and  the bad comments  not  hurting you  so much. Even  when you  all ready an experienced  photographer,  you still going to get a negative  comment  here and there. Sometime from a so called experts,  and  some time  form  total  beginner, with no  pre-education of art  and art as photography.


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