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Missing Mom During The Holidays

Multiple images and Textures used. Main image taken with my Canon 100mm f2.8 Macro USM. The photo of the heart in the composition is of a 'Heart' that my Daughter gave to me on my Birthday. It is a Watercolor Design by a woman called Stephanie Ryan.

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I always try to post something in Tribute to my Mom at Special times

of the year......it is purely selfish-makes me feel better. While I think

of her always, memories pour in of Christmas's past and how special

she and Dad tried to make them for us children. It is never about the

presents - always about the Love - how LOVED they made us feel.

Despite very little in finances and Dad getting his Christmas Bonus

on Christmas Eve (that had to be so difficult to shop for us with so

little time) it was the decorating of the tree, our stockings with the

odd quarter, an orange, apple, some nuts, often silly little things. -but

I loved my Stocking. Stockings did not contain major high priced gifts

that so many give their children these days. I was happy with what I

received always. It is the warmth of the Love that I recall. Christmas

day was a nice big 'warm hug'. What more could a child ask for?

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Thank you so much. There are things so dear to our hearts that mean so much more - and these simple things become even more important as the years go by. Our world is not like it used to be. Those simpler times were so much more special. Thanks so much for your visit!


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The colors are fragile like memories, the image speaks a clear language with the blooming flower and the color violet inviting us to meditate and with the incorporated color blue we honor our parents. Although gone they are still present within the circle of our family. The unbreakable bond that stays for ever.

Well chosen composition to express your feelings in these days. Beautiful work of art.

Best regards, Herman




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Dear Gail, This is so very poignant and so very beautiful, a wonderful tribute. I like how you've melded the writings with everything else. Hoping you have a great New Year.

Best Always, Holger

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Yup, I relate to this one.  the single flower, the key (grandfather key)-- perhaps to your old home --- the feeling of sunrise and rainbows and colorful prisms all remind me of my youth.  I'm wondering what is the script -- of course looks like an old letter or new letter perhaps to your mother.  The colors captivate me.  I'm sorry for your sadness.  I miss my mother too.

We also had very frugal gifts, but it didn't matter.   



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Hi Gail,

  Beautiful tribute to your mother with wonderful creative design & colors.   I am sure she would love this.  I feel your pain my friend.  Take care, Patsy

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What a beautiful tribute to your Mom Gail! There is something very special about the Christmas season that brings back feelings of warmth and security that only our parents could provide. It's a legacy of love that God provided to us through our parents and we now pass onto our children. All the best to you my friend, Gail! Rob

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A fitting and beautiful tribute to your Mom and indeed it could be extended to all mothers! 


For although the image succeeds in conjuring up a sense of sweet love and devotion, it is also the deeper sentiments and family values that one arrives at from reading your narrative that really accentuates the image. 

Yes, I remember those simple things that were a "Big Deal"  when we rummaged in our stockings on Christmas Morning, Tangerines, Brazil Nuts, and sometimes Chocolate money! These were the fun things that we all loved 

Thank you for sharing your thoughts and images and for that delightful little bit of nostalgia too! 


Best Regards 



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A beautiful work, your mother loves it, and send her waves of love...

Half of our life happen in the "invisible", with love you're touching it.

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I'm sure you are right, at least I am hoping so. I know I would love to hears this being a Mom myself. Sincere thanks for your visit and kind words expressed.

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I forgot about the Brazil nuts and 'gold coins' - those were good days.  Thanks so much Alf for your visit and kind sentiments, always appreciate your point of view :) Cheers for now, Gail

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sincere thanks to all these PN friends that stopped by to share your thoughts on this image - I read each comment and am encouraged by each of you!

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What lovely words, almost like a 'poem' you share - I think you brought this image closer to 'everyone' with your sentiments shared. Thank you so much dear Herman for those lovely expressions from the heart.

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I appreciate you stopping by and for those words you shared. I know you too miss your Mother - she is not long passed on.  I think for me, because it has been 4 years now, on this occasion I was not feeling 'sadness' so much, as 'celebrating her', the woman she was and the Mother she was to me for so many years.  I am at the point where I am not as sad, but more thankful and appreciative of her. Yes I do miss her, but it is not a missing that so much 'tugs at my heart' but beacons me to give 'praise' for the wonderful woman she was - both as a woman and as a Mother. I hope you soon find yourself in this place where you will be able to concentrate more on what was so wonderful and good about your Mom - and not miss her as much and feel that sadness that fills the 'heart' while missing her. I hope soon your 'remembrance' of her will bring happy thoughts - for during her life as your Mother I am sure she was a beautiful and vibrant woman, so talented and so filled with love for you and your siblings. But I do know how you feel and can still feel that 'loss' and 'sadness' in your words. Saying it does 'get better' rings hollow when you have not yet come to that place. Thank you for your kind words shared. The 'script' was an overlay - not a particular letter - it was meant to convey the expression of thoughts shared.

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Hi Rob, thanks so much for sharing those lovely words with me. You truly expressed how God blessed us with caring parents - if we were so fortunate to have good parents, it is our duty to pass these traits on to our children. I hope you had a good Christmas and New Year.

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