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© Laura Marco (c) Art Photography

Lonely Niche



© Laura Marco (c) Art Photography

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Most of the time, we don't show our beloved things to others. We've

got them secure, even hidden in a physical or an emotional place

that only we know. Comments are welcome. Click for larger size,

thank you!

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Most of the time, we don't show our beloved things to others. We've got them secure, even hidden in a physical or an emotional place that only we know. She sings to her treasure, put in a lonely niche, in an inconspicuous space. First she draws the curtains and then she takes her time ... to enjoy, mostly to dream. Nobody sees her, windows are tiny and the place is quite forlorn.

That way, she spends part of her time and later all will be in her heart. In the end, it must be true that we only reveal what we do want to: "facades". Saint-Exupery, thought in a similar way: "what is essential is invisible to the eye". Invisible as could be our most intimate moment or our freedom of thought.

She finished playing and lovingly pulled back the curtains again. All remains the same. It makes me think if: "best and true is what I see, or just I look at what others allow me to see?".

Essentially, nobody can look at behind her curtains and her treasure shines in the chosen niche.

I always feel that images sometimes are worth better to think about than to merely please our senses and so they could go beyond any hedonistic or any unnecessary purpose. Perhaps I'm a very practical and thoughtful character.

Only she knows the place and what's behind in the shadows.


Kindest regards.

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This beautiful image is a little bit contradictory to what you have told, not everything is hidden, I see the holy image behind the curtains drawn back, I see your image well lit and your expression lost to follow the notes of the guitar, I see traces of coal under your feet and I seem to catch a glimpse of peppers hanging in the left margin, but I do not see the things that you do not want to show and that are just for you, ciao Giangiorgio
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Very strong classical composition, excellent post work and lighting, reminds me old dutch paintings - love it!

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Very vivid and strong colors and well lit subject in obviously low light conditions maybe is to emphasize the enlightenment which music brings!

I wonder how it was rendered because such a good montage with hair isn't possible to be made and such a perfect dodging or burning neither!

However, excellent rendering and result which pleases my heart and soul!


Congratulations, Laura!


Best regards




P.S. I didn't read the introduction because a picture is worth thousand words (at least)!

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Dear Giangiorgio I've made here an exception and I'm showing part of what is behind, to exemplify my idea. Usually, it's always hidden to others. We all close curtains.  If you've seen the peppers, you're a great observer!. Thank you very much for everything, much appreciated!.


Dear Vlad, it must be true the resemblance to old dutch paintings, because in another work, someone said to me as well (!) I think it was "Castanets"; I'm very happy that you've liked it. Very grateful for everything!.


Dear Pierre, "with the aid of our imagination everything is posible" ... everything you can dream, you can do it (i.e  hair, lights etc)   :) Thanks for everything, much appreciated!.


Kindest regards to all and thank you!

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Dear laura,it isn't an easy task for me this time. I am struggling with some words and main idea too...

What I can learn is that there are many clues scatered but i wish to see more of the face as a major leading motive.also i  think that she is more then usual illuminated (refering to the small window as a only source).

the work is very beautiful,impressive and has a impact as a ensemble,but somehow i am lost this time...

Best regards!


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Dear Ruud, thank you very much for everything!, you encourage me to continue with the works. Glad you like it!. Kindest regards.


Dear Hanan, I'm happy you've liked this work. I wanted to emphasize music above all, fingering position etc. rather than the woman. The position is carefully kept, the chord is real ... the woman's playing all highlighted.

Besides, the image has its own atmosphere around, staff, different elements ... you can do whatever reading that you feel when looking at it.

Lights are recreated searching for a desired atmosphere. For me, it's like an artistic license, the fact of "recreating" and enhancing with light.

Sometimes I composed directly into one camera shot, others - like in this work - there're several shots needed for drawing this fantasy.

A half-open door is in front of the niche and little window, just right down corner grey/blue luminosity on the ground.


At the end, in my opinion a creative touch is needed for the sake of both beauty and message.


I highly appreciate your impressions.


Thank you so much for everything.

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Caro Giani, sono contento di leggere il vostro commento, grazie!.

Molto tempo fa non vedo nuove foto di voi, spero molto presto e condivido la vacanza vanno bene. Grazie per la vostra visita, molto apprezzato.


Cordiali saluti, Laura

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Dear David, thanks for everything. For me the guitar is also the most beautiful element ... position of the body, arms, fingering, feet below the bench ... and the D major chord, not easy! so beautifully displayed ... in short ... music !.

Very much appreciated your comment and visit.


Kindest regards, Laura

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Cara Laura complimenti per la tua bella immagine promossa su Daily Photo! Era proprio meritevole! La mia ultima foto risale al 29-08-2015 e riguarda una montagna scalata con mio figlio.

Ciao Gianni


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Caro Gianni, grazie per la vostra chiarimenti.

Vi chiedo di scusarmi me per il mio errore.

Guardai il vostro lavoro ogni volta che hai postato qualcosa di nuovo e ho visto nel mio riassunto di fotografi che sto seguendo. Perché mi piace così tante fotografie, così io li segue a turno, alcuni mesi alcuni fotografi, altri mesi diversi fotografi ... così mi fanno meglio.

Non vedendo le immagini, ho pensato che tu fossi in vacanza. Ci scusiamo per il mio errore, ho aggiunto di nuovo nella corrente che sto seguendo. Io di solito faccio così alternativamente.


Non avevo capito che questo mio lavoro "Lonely Niche" è stato in "Daily Photo sample". Sempre vado direttamente a "my work space" ...

Grazie per avermelo detto.

Ma credo che tutte le immagini presenti in questo Website sono degni di essere esposti nell'esempio quotidiano di lavoro di fotografia. A mio avviso tutti hanno tale merito.

Mi spiace per il mio errore. L'estate si sta restringendo il mio cervello  :-D hahaha


Prendo uno sguardo alla vostra nuove foto.

Tanti saluti, Laura

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Me gusta mucho esta toma porque, a mi juicio, simboliza lo que la musica significa para los humanos. La figura de la guitarrista brilla en el ambiente oscuro, un gran colorido explica la alegria de tocar el instrumento mientras el rostro muy serio de la guitarrista da el aspecto de una muy  profunda concentracion. Felicidades por este trabajo, Laura!

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¡Gracias Sreten!

Yo cuando hice este trabajo quería dar un reflejo fiel de lo que significa tocar la guitarra clásica. Como bien dices, la música es especial, yo la entiendo como una manera de comprender mejor nuestra razón de existir cada día. Donde no hay explicación posible, la música nos ofrece una explicación.


A veces veo fotos de mujeres con una guitarra, pero llevan las uñas de la mano izquierda largas :) entonces comprendo es una imagen meramente estética, pues no podrían pisar las cuerdas en el diapasón, pisar las notas. La manera de situar las manos, los brazos, como calzas el banquillo y agarras la guitarra... por todos esos detalles, sabes si saldrá verdaderamente música ... de esa imagen, si la persona sabe tocar, siente como suyo el instrumento.

Te puedo garantizar que de este trabajo... fluye música, puede sonar, puede ser real :)

Mi suegro tiene un violín, podría pedirle prestado el violín y hacer fotos, ¿pero... qué sentido tiene? yo no sé coger un violín, ni tocar el violín.


Ahora estoy en un punto difícil con la guitarra. No avanzo y pienso debería dejar las fotos y dedicarme a aprender más, o al contrario.


Para mí la música ahora en este momento es un paraíso personal. La técnica se puede enseñar, pero el sentimiento no se puede enseñar... es detenerse donde no lo pone o alargarse en una nota que creemos conveniente. No tiene que ser una pieza complicada, un simple arpegio, llega al corazón directo.


Sí... la música hay que sentirla. La mujer está seria porque la protagonista es la música.


Muchas gracias por tu visita y comentario tan bueno y positivo a esta imagen.

Estoy muy agradecida.

Con cariño, Laura.

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