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© Laura Marco (c) Art Photography

Once Upon A Time...



© Laura Marco (c) Art Photography

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This time I prefer to leave the story to be told for each viewer ...

Comments are welcome, thank you! All resources are mine :)

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This time, I prefer to leave the story to be told for each viewer ...

"Once upon a time" ...


The essence is the same, all closely linked to simple roots and connected to the Earth.

This very hot summer is taking its toll on me, I don't even fancy switching on the computer, wishing to get a change of season.

I had many days this image for want of photographing the little lamp and the notebook, days passed and ... finally taking care of lights, I lit the flame myself, put the filter on the camera and was determined to capture the slender thread of smoke before running out of wick and ... at last! :)


I asked my son to write the note: "Érase Una Vez" ... = "Once Upon A Time"...


Hope you like it !, Kindest regards, Laura.

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Hi, Laura!


She is holding something precious and has went out of the warm room to keep it! What could it be I don't even guess, mysterious things remain always a mystery for me! Especially when it comes to women and their mind. But, it doesn't diminish the artistic value of this picture, on the contrary!

As you insisted the story to be told by each of the commentators, there is mine: The woman has left the security of her home to grab something very precious to her, now she's holding it tight in fear that someone could take it away from her! The End!


Best regards




P.S. I sevened it!


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Dear Pierre, thank you for your nice visit and your version of this story, I like it!. It's a pleasant surprise.

I agree with you that in her arms, she's carrying something very precious inside the jar and she was laid to rest a bit, it's not cold outside (clothing used).

It may be oil, salt, flour or even water, because this type of old houses depended on an external tank, which was filled with rain. When I was a child I have drunk rainwater from stoned cisterns, from pits in the ground.

I wanted to give the atmosphere that it gets dark outside. Dusk and dawn are two moments of the day, very magical indeed, in lights and sensations.

I think that the woman is entranced watching the sky, stars begin to shine, maybe looking at some clouds with interesting shapes, perhaps?

And always holding the jar very well, because in that old time, we could not afford to waste any foods.


Oh dear! I do not want to tell "my" story ... I'm researching about old country houses, there're some plans and I did not know that pantries are always on upper floors and kitchens are separated from main house rooms (livingrooms), attached to cribs ... maybe due to smoke .. . I do not know.


Thank you very much for your rating, I like that you find it a valuable work, thank you!, you, who have seen so many years, many images here in this forum.


One question, maybe you know something about ... I've noticed recently that out of this forum, no images can be shown, on photonet links in other applications.

I mean... when a link from Photonet is shared, the image can not be displayed (!) Especially in google + and Facebook as well, not letting images be displayed besides the link to Photonet. It's happening recently.

In my opinion, it was an interesting way to "re-direct" more people into the forum when clicking. I do not know what has happened. Have you noticed it?


Kindest regards and thank you very much for everything! Laura


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"Once upon a time", so all fairytales begin. this leads me to think of two famous fables, that of the Pandora's box, and your expression seems the maiden doubtful whether to open the precious vase that she holds well guarded under her arm . She is unconscious of all the evils that can arise if she open it: envy, avarice, jealousy, anger, disease, madness and all the other bad things. fortunately in the bottom of the pot there was still the hope, the only good left to mortals in the comfort of their misfortunes.

The lamp in the floor rather reminds me of the story of Aladdin and the genie of the lamp . Also according to this genius, he can generate both stories of good and evil.

But these are just fantasies that came to my mind looking at this your wonderful image, as usual well thought out and well done, ciao Giangiorgio

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Dear Laura,


Thank you for your thorough explanation!


About the Photo.net matters I know nothing, nothing at all! But, I have shared to Facebook many pictures by now! You have to reload the sharing page until the image shows, otherwise it will be only text, that's what I know! What you see is what you get!


Best regards



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Dear Giangiorgio, yes ... this title is the catalyst for all sorts of fantasies.


I really like the two stories you've suggested: first of all, I'll choose "hope" forever ... and if I'd know what the jar contains, I will never open that Pandora-box.


Regarding Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp ... maybe this lamp is too small to contain so many desires, so small lamp for so high expectations.


I wanted you to see the actual size, as I know your interest in animals, this afternoon I took a photo to the lamp with a skull of a medium-sized dog, for you to compare ...

I have a small roof situated at the door entrance of my house, suddenly a gust of wind has tipped over my lamp, I could not react in time with the camera in hands and ... boom! It has broken.

I included the last picture of this lamp.


Now, I'm left with no possible desires, no expectations...  


Thank you very much for everything, it's greatly appreciated.


Kindest regards, Laura



Last photo of the lamp...

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Dear Pierre, I've checked what is happening, it's only in Google +


This application allows no Photo.net images to be displayed.

The've blocked all :(

My page is empty. I do not know why, it's very disgusting, a real pity!.

I redirected visitors there to this forum, with these links. I do not find much sense or any use in acting that way. I do not know what the problem has been.

Look at a screenshot of the application I'm including here and you'll understand me; where there're purple crosses, I had photos and links to this forum. I imagine other photographs will have been affected.

Thanks for your interest in helping.

Kindest regards, Laura.



Now all is empty of Photo.net images :(

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Hello Laura.  I have looked at the image many times now and wasn't sure what I wanted to say.  I like the juxtaposition and contrast of the warm interior with the colder exterior.  To me your expression seems defiant, like you are protecting the vessel from something specific.  The note with "once upon a time" has a shooting star and I suggest that is what you have in the jar.  Something to light the night.  Thanks for the story.  Dana...

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Dear Dana, thanks for your comment.

I'll explain a little ... it's not easy to create a profound idea, with meaning and coherence from an image. Or viceversa, it requires some practice, as everything in life.

I've noticed that most of you give importance to the vessel, I've realized that it's perhaps what attracts all the interest or maybe the gesture of storing.

Now, I'm going through a very reflective moment in my photography.

That makes me appreciate more quality than quantity.

I don't know how to explain ... today I've spoken with a friend who encourages me to continue sharing my images in many groups of photography. With this in mind, I've looked at some groups, full of thousands and maybe millions of photographs, with a thousand and one different women on them. Blondes, brunettes or redheaded, dressed in unthinkable clothes, or in unlikely situations. The strangest techniques displayed, floating in the air, flying or whatever ... etc. etc. etc.


And I wonder: why would I need to share my photography with thousands, what for? looking for a color that calls more attention than others used, or a version or a position never seen? what for? ... "it would be like a circus to me", I don't feel that need! I've been most of my life alone...

It's not what I need. It's not a miraculous "recipe" to shine or "the unseen technique" ...


I've always wanted to talk about life around me or my feelings.

I've tried to tell what was happening to me or what I was feeling. Hence, I value more the meaning of a work, than its visual appearance.


I've got my own vision of photography like everyone.

That's why I love to know what kind of stories others can read.

If it's only a quick visual flickering or one minute only to assess visual forms ... what for?.

When you say you've looked at the work for a while, you make me feel happy. I appreciate your comment so good, your time spent and your attention; I think in this world so vast and incomprehensible as photography is, that someone pays attention to our work ... it's the best gift.


Kindest regards, Laura

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Admirada Llaura, si me lo permites te haré una confesión, si tardo algun tiempo en comentar tus trabajos, es algo que hago a propósito, y porque?, te comento, estoy muy atento a los nuevos que expones, y los miro, los remiro y los saboreo, es mas yo diría que rezuman una magia muy sutil, tan sutil que una vez que los comento es como si cortara el cordón umbilical que me une a esa magia,y me quedo esperando tu próxima (si, reconozco que soy rarito). 

  Pero ciñéndome a esta obra, es impresionante, conoces que en alguna ocasión te he dicho que tus dotes de interpretación son magistrales, a la vista esta. Otro de los elementos a destacar es la iluminación y composicion, la inclusión de ese muro de piedra en la escena aporta una gran profundidad y carácter dramático, en definitiva, ARTE. 

Solo me queda decir que.."Erase una vez" que conocí a una "Estrella" llamada Laura.

Un abrazo.


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Laura.  Just to clarify:  The woman draws me into the image. Her presence is essential to the image and then I notice the other elements and begin to construct the story (my interpretation).  However, more than the beauty of the model (you, right?), I am drawn to your story telling using imagery.  It is unique and personal and that is why I always look forward to seeing it.  All the best.  Dana... 

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Querido Joaquín, he pasado unos días más relajada de vacaciones y me quedaba pendiente dar las gracias en algunos trabajos.

Así, te agradezco tu interés y ánimo. ¡Muchas gracias! Un abrazo.


Dear Dana, thanks for your interest on this work... I'm having some holidays, and I had some pending comments to be thankful for. Thank you!

Kindest regards, Laura.

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