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© Laura Marco (c) Art Photography

Tell Me Who I Am



© Laura Marco (c) Art Photography

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Fine Art

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Tangle pricks, 'tis true, however there're grapes among this

presumed clutter. Wasted and fertile ground mix equally, without

any order or logic. As for her self... (read more)

Thanks for larger view and comments!

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Tangle pricks, 'tis true, however there're grapes among this presumed clutter. Wasted and  fertile ground mix equally, without any order or logic. As for her self 'tis tiring and tedious, being always separating good from bad, barren from fruitful and although she carries grape in the ceramic platter. Signs are soft and good, howe'er weeds seems to take over all, even sprinkling to the air we breathe.
Tangle's too dry.

Act I, Scene i
[Enter TECHO with DOUBT]

    Ay,  I warrant you there're too many compositional elements, tut,  should suggested diagonal in turn be more ...

      To tell you true, was considering her gaze, looking sad, fixed on something outside the frame ...

     Ha! in front of her, looking straight at her toilet handbag, at 'er jeans and cap to be changed as soon as the caption's made. Keep you sure,  and fly somewhere else. As said, done and go something else. I miss a brighter light at center of the scene to ...

      Do you think ?, O, no, no, no, not that kind, she may have been dressed in that guise at home and has left to reach the place as excited as if living in another time, going out her clothes with the ark  ... her gaze now may be the end of the attempt to adapt to a place almost abandoned for us, just I do not know for 'er, or how she's feeling.
Forget for once in your life... rules which slip inadvertently through our senses, without any analysis. Yes, do, do, do.
You'd know if fullness is reached in the image, just by taking a look, right? ... ay do, do, do, and why grape ?, why not beans or tomatoes? ha?

     What matters vegetables, fruit! or whatever the fuck 'tis ... it will be for the sake of green color (irritated), too much overdone, what about thinking on the possibility of providing a single opposite more neutral area, to a lesser amount, which contrast would offer. ..

      Ha' you heard better language? someone who wonders WHO IS ... have you noticed the title of the caption? "Her psycho-photo" ... is almost like a concept that invites us to think in the story behind, I think she does care what she's carrying in 'er hands, or place, or sense of abandonment. All matters. Pray you, observe.
Well, do you think everything goes and nothing really matters, just only for the sake of aesthetics ?, what's beautiful-stunning-scenic-pituresque, what is not ?, what is empty of content, what is not ?, is the same a glass half full, half empty ?, O, poor. For me is not the same ... obviously.
What a shame not know why she chose grapes in her hands !. Do not know if this moment means just a quick click of the camera or a stop on a long road more thought and lived, than walked. Pity my ignorance! Peace, you!

      This image does not fill me and when I have that assessment, it is no big deal. Not worth much.

      O, my dear Techo, no one knows where value is, neither right nor wrong, all your photograph manuals are bad souls!. Books are not gods, they may be wrong. Nothing is written yet ... or there's lack of written. Everything is to be changed. How now, my Techo?

My fine friend I'm afraid you're entering menopause (laughing out loud), no offense. We'll continue to see more, go to hell this woman and her grape, another woman with a bunch of peppers ?, right? Huh? Doubt!
You're old ... I waste my time with you ...



Laura Marco © 2015 - Tell Me Who I Am

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Who are you? You are a great artist who can achieve photographically in a manner so egregious the concepts that you have been able to express very well in a language to you familiar because your culture has allowed you to use it as well as your mother tongue, to us mere mortals remains the envy and admiration, ciao Giangiorgio
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Dear Giangiorgio, thanks for everything so good and wonderful you've told me, making me feel really very happy. I'm sure I'm a mere mortal, too.


However, full of doubts and hesitations and that is ... above all, what makes me go on and never stop searching for ... As a glass with a hole in the bottom, I want to fill myself and "can not".


All that I am I owe to my parents :)

I'm all they have fought for me.


When I lived with them, my father told me all full of seriousness:

- "No matter where you are or what you do ... but always remember who you are"


And I looked at him, and stayed in silent. As I waited for an answer to who I was ... then he answered, repeating my name and surname.

I always felt I was not up to the circumstances; and many times I repeat to myself: "Always remember who you are".


Thank you very much for your valuable visit, comment so positive to this image and I value and appreciate your photographic works as well ... the same best wishes for you.


Warm regards, Laura

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Laura.  Beautiful, NO DOUBT!  Emotional, lovely, pensive and imbued with your style.  All the best.  Dana...

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Very misterous and unusual...I am used to meet your eyes but they are aside this time.the strange reflection (ghost ?) keeps me away.the bright tender lady is it a true mage? I don't know....i moved unconfortable on the chair...

No doubt this work makes an impact another excellent creation! well done Laura!

Many regards! Hanan

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Dear Dana, thank you for your words so kind and certainly they give me much encouragement.

The most appreciated remark, one can make to any of my works, for me, is saying that perceives my style and my way of doing things, my time spent in details, features...

That's what I always try: leave "a piece of me". Now I'm doing works that appeal to me, that I feel like doing, feelings that need to be translated into images, I do not care if it's going to be liked more or less.


There comes a time, when we do what we need, whatever it may be or imply ... there's much felt on each image, full of memories and desires...

That's the best for me.

Your visit and comment are much appreciated. Thank you!


Kindest regards, Laura

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Dear Hanan, Thank you for your kind words, which make me smile... and the fact that you move in your chair uncomfortably, arises my interest.


It's not a magician, just a woman in a reflective state, even tired, tired of everything ... even of picking grapes :)


The reflection is herself, but turned upside down: ie. her inside is outside, upside down (!). No matter if it's about her, or if it's about someone else ... that's the question, in fact.


A work with maybe a very deep subject, perhaps too much input to have an only visual aesthetic.

I tried to explain in the introduction, at least I've tried   ; -)


I love that "this ghost" scares you a bit   :) ...

In principle is all thought to be dead of fear, as life itself.


Thank you for your eloquent words, your positive comment and that analysis of yours, so personal, which always brings a smile to my face.


Kindest regards, Laura

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Thanks Laura for your reference. i identified the "ghost" technic,but i put myself completely in the creation to read the creator mind...(otherwise it would be plain digital art category or else) and as i said - you keep challenging as always.

כל הכבוד !!!! 



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Dear Hanan, thank you!, I fully understand what you're saying to me and I'd like that different elements in a composition, are not just considered only as digital alterations, really this is not what I'm aiming to.


In that sense, I truly appreciate your opinion, precious visit to my work, your interest... It's very nice to think that an image may arise the attention and interest of others.

I'm very grateful for your comments.


תודה רבה. איתך אני אלמד עברית, מאוד מעניין!


Kindest regards, Laura

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Admirada Laura, y preguntas quien eres?, la respuesta la encuentro en el trabajo que nos muestras. Una mujer bella,  con un talento aparentemente sereno y reflexivo, con una creatividad tan exuberante como esa hermosa cabellera, pero edemas sutil como el zarcillo del  sarmiento que  se aferra a su entorno y trepa para no quedarse en la mediocridad, creo que    fuera de tus tiempos  hasta lo mas dulce puede ser ácido como ese racimo. Tu entorno vital espero no sea confuso como ese habitáculo, que si así lo fuese no tengo la menor duda escaparas por ese angosto hueco azulado hacia la liberación.

Y si hablamos de tu OBRA, genial!!!, que creo viene de genio.

Un abrazo.


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Una toma que habla mejor que mil palabras. La buena parte de nuestro "caracter" se puede ver en las fotos que tomamos así que la respuesta a tu pregunta se encuentra en una gran calidad de tus obras aquí en PN. Un ambiente bucolico, una posa de pensar y una reflexión de tu rostro en otro rincon de la foto, aumentan la impresión completa. Felicidades, Laura!

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Querido Sreten, muchas gracias por tu comentario, lo leí el otro día, pero no he podido contestar hasta hoy, porque ando muy liada.

Gracias por tu visita y esta valoración tan buena, no solo de este trabajo, sino de toda la obra en general. También estoy contenta, pues me has dado una respuesta bastante satisfactoria a mi pregunta.

A veces, tengo muchas dudas... y quizás solo baste con mirar todos los trabajos, porque cada uno de ellos... "es un trozo de mí".

Sí... es verdad, mi caracter es reflexivo, sereno la mayor parte del tiempo.

Me gusta pasar mucho tiempo sola, pensando o recordando. No lo relaciono a la soledad, sino como un momento del día que se necesita como comer o respirar.


Gracias por todo, con cariño, Laura

P.D. Gracias por el español :)

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