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© Charles H. Yoon

Field of flowers along Pacific Coast Highway south of San Francisco

Lens: Nikon 20mm f/2.8 D AF


© Charles H. Yoon

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Two things: (1) I think the polarizer filter hurt more than it helped, and (2) it would have been more dramatic if you would have crouched down to eye level with the flowers, yet maintained the same cropping on top -- just above the tree.
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Suggest not using a polarizer for landscapes when using a 20mm lens. Only time I use a polarizer and 20mm together is when there's no blue sky in the shot, or at least not enough to look uneven. Also, the scene looks overexposed in general.
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Guest Guest


I'm sure Christian means one stop under-exposed.
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The use of the polarizer on a 20mm lens is probelmatic because of the uneven effect on the tone of the sky. However, I'm sure if you hadn't used the polarizer, the sky would have probably washed out. As it is, the slight underexposure you've chosen gives the image a deeper, mysterious mood that I think works well.
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