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© Laura Marco (c) Art Photography



Exposure Date: 2015:06:11 12:14:52;
Model: NIKON D3100;
ExposureTime: 1/125 s;
FNumber: f/5;
ISOSpeedRatings: 200;
ExposureProgram: Manual;
ExposureBiasValue: 0/6;
MeteringMode: Spot;
Flash: Flash did not fire;
FocalLength: 46 mm;
FocalLengthIn35mmFilm: 69 mm;


© Laura Marco (c) Art Photography

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Fine Art

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I continue sailing with my photography as always. No matter lazy

rivers, streams, swift currents and even falls! ... Whatever. I've seen

rain in many... (read more)

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I continue sailing with my photography as always. No matter lazy rivers, streams, swift currents and even falls! ... Whatever. I've seen rain in many ways: just a drizzle, pouring and not falling a single drop at all.


At first sight, it seems that the woman in this portrait is an isolated person and confined in a space, in a corner. By the way, to me the most wonderful thing in portraits is eyes "fixed nowhere", that has got lots of magic. As I said, the woman seems confined to a corner, isolated from the world ... in principle, it would be negative, but a more interesting second interpretation leads me to believe that the iron railing is not an impediment that limits her, on the contrary ... it could also be considered a guardrail. Is the world outside pleasant or harmful ?, attractive or tasteless and false? ... A dilemma, two opposite sides, two sides of the coin, too. Does she feel excluded in a railed room? Or happily protected in her privacy? Everything depends on how much we may need of others and of life in general, and the secret of happiness is ... well ... is to need "very little", only mediocrity needs a varnish layer to shine brightly. Can't stop wind blowing in my sails. Can't stop discovering new things everyday and feeling happy and alive!.


I hope you like this dual meaning reality portrayed. Many kisses.

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Great environmental portrait on which the environment means to tell something together with the facial expression! Maybe tells us about some kind of spiritual or psychological imprisonment!





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Laura.  First, I like the shot and think the color and lighting are great.  I agree with Jim about the gaze and that and her expression give the work a melancholy feel for me.  It is as if she is observing something but is not engaged with it. A very interesting portrait.  All the best.  Dana...

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There may be another interpretation, that the woman is in the open space and behind the bars there's me and it's sad because she can not get into my space, but on this side I am enough happy and I say to you rejoice yourself. however you want to interpret it is a very good image, ciao Giangiorgio
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Dear Jim, thank you!... as I advanced a bit about it in the introduction, also for me, what gives magic to this portrait is: total emptiness/blankness in her eyes.

It's really difficult to read anything in them.

Much appreciated your appreciation and thanks for everything ... all my best.

Kindest regards, Laura

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Dear Ruud, I'm very glad you've found this work worthy.

I really value your positive feedback and want to thank you for all.

Kindest regards, Laura.

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Dear Pierre, nice to hear from you ... I'm really glad you've liked this work. I agree with the idea highlighted by Giangiorgio:

Locked ?, imprisonment?, all is inside our minds, how we try to aprehend or approach life in a meaningful way that gives sense to our existence is inherent to us and quite different in everyone, but ... truly...

what is outside and what is inside? There are iron gates that have flowers as ornaments on both sides ... who's inside? Who's out? ... Where does it feel better? everything is relative.


Even taking into account a psychological grasp, then nothing physical like fences would be needed; the iron gate makes the idea most tangible, but is unnecessary.


I'm very happy for your positive feedback and thank you very much for all; Your visit is very pleasant and appreciated.


Kindest regards, Laura

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Dear Dana, thanks for your comment so interesting and constructive about this work.

It's true that I tried to be very careful in my approaching to lights, to capture the right atmosphere and about colors, play with color is what ... I love the most, a delightful part for me and most productive in images in general, because according to what colors we may present, we'll have different emotional responses.


I also find melancholy ... yes ... more concretely: things not achieved in the past that no longer will return. Pensive about people with whom she could not stand by, for personal achievements that have not been achieved. All that merges in a gaze with the years, over time.

Gaze is full of past, ... "lived life". She can not get involved in anything, because nothing is current.


Thank you very much for everything, all my best.


Kindest regards, Laura

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Dear Giangiorgio, it's true ...

we do not probably know which side she is, but I definitely come to think that no matter the notions of outside vs. inside.


Let's say that there's no outside neither inside. This gate is everywhere, whether inside or outside, just a non physical construct to separate people from each other.

It's not physical, and even though it's not ... but we can feel it. With it, we exclude each other, we try to make subtle differences. Or just shield us from fear, or simply isolate to feel protected. Or create a personal world where no one is allowed to enter.


What would we find in the other person when we finally open the gate?

How many times have we closed it to others?


I think at the end, nothing is physical ... so she does not see: empty eyes, she does not use her eyes; in life there's much about thoughts. Only important is tangible?


Thank you for your visit, most appreciated, constructive comment and for all.


 Kindest regards, Laura

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Thanks for this new beautiful work.
Your image makes the viewer be involved in to dramatic dilemma of being behind the bars or to step into the world of freedom. But if it is a freedom outside?
Close up makes us feel a deepness of alarm like mood. A sadness of being outside of something great and also static motionless world behind the bars makes psychological pressure.
It's very interesting psychological artwork.

Best regards Andrey.

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Dear Andrey, thanks to you... for your attention given to this work.

you've presented to me another aspect in which I had not noticed, concerning the fact that possible viewers can feel pressure or helplessness about not knowing or being able to do anything to change the quietness that reigns in the world behind the gate.

Sometimes even despite pain, people do nothing. Your point of view is not to stay indifferent, you're assertive about what you see and feel and you'd change things ... you put yourself in the others place or point of view  :) that's good!


Many people do not even want to change anything, do not feel enough ...


Thank you very much for your comment and for all ... you've made me think in another direction.

Warm regards, Laura

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Ciao Laura. Ma che bel lavoro ho trovato al mio rientro dalle vacanze! Non vedo nessuna disperazione (per essere dietro alle sbarre), vedo invece molta riflessione e forse contemplazione di ciò che sta fuori. Le sbarre di questa "prigione" sono molto esili ed è facile liberarsi.


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Caro Gianni, sono lieto di leggere il tuo commento :)

Sei sempre così positivi, mi si riempie con buone idee ... ti dirò un segreto: ho una chiave e vado in e fuori quando voglio ... (*_*)


Le barriere sono mobili, è più incoraggiante.

Non vedo l'ora di prendere la mia vacanza, dorarme al sole sulla spiaggia, di essere tra le onde ... Spero che hai avuto una buona vacanza.

Bentornato, la ringrazio molto per la vostra azienda e commento positivo su questo lavoro e per tutto ...


Cordiali saluti, Laura.

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My poor english,but I'll try...

First of all - the work is admirable,as your portfolio...your eyes is something that cannot be egnored.period !! the mood reflected is not melancholic but contemplative.the bars are definitely a clue,but to my opinion something is missing and i don't know to put a finger on it...I would dare to suggest to add an envelope or small letter maybe in between fingers...that will complete the idea....

Still i am not sure about that, but those are my thoughts....(a snapshot fotographer,remember?)

Many regards and successes!


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Dear Hanan, I'm delighted to read your comment and I think maybe you're quite right to suggest the introduction of a third element. "Something" to tell us or talk to us a little more about the scene ...

I feel your suggestion is very successful and I'd like your idea and consider it in the future. You'll help me a lot. It means include elements for better readability.

I try all the elements to go at the same time in the same shot, why? because after there's the problem of "light", we can not have everything in different lights. Regarding to that, we must be very careful.

I could include a letter in her fingers now, just much pampering the shape of the hand and light ...

The truth is that for these shots, I was, late in the morning, in a cemetery near my village. One rainy morning. I made the somewhat quick shots ... then hurriedly went to pick up my son at school :)


Always the day before making shots, very carefully I choose all the objects and then take them with me, I prepare all ... I like all to go in the same scene. The more at the same time in compositions the better.


The Pantheon, is not mine, owners know me, I could be at ease, but perhaps was not the same comfort. I left all the fabric flowers and pots that had overturned well placed, I left the place fixed at the end, tidy.

It was a mess, full of neglect, the ravages of wind.


I have some really nice shots in this cemetery, but do not want to upload a lot, not to bring much sadness to my portfolio. I've been doing many things, from glamorous over-exposed images in high heels, and finally even in cemeteries in a different way.

One day a friend gave me this sage advice: "Laura, people will admire you... more for what you're able to do than for what you're showing (body)". I'm changing my aesthetic point of view very much, living every moment.


You say a snapshot photographer? no ... you're a "great" photographer.

And you portfolio is really great as well. Congrats.

Thank you for your visit and for all.


All my best, Laura

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Admirada Laura.

Últimamente estoy escaso de tiempo, mas bien diría escaso del reposo suficiente para plantarme delante de tus obras mirarlas y admirarlas, pero a esto habría que añadir, y LEERLAS, eres una virtuosa de la prosa, aportando a tus obras (en términos fotográficos) una gran "profundidad" artística, a parte de todo esto tendremos que incluir la interpretación personal que uno hace de lo expuesto. Laura yo diría que para ver tus obras se necesita sobretodo reposo de cuerpo y espíritu.

Estoy totalmente de acuerdo con lo que expresas, creo que es la lava que surge del cráter de tu creatividad, pero cuando esa lava discurre por la ladera deja de ser patrimonio de la autora, apropiándonos de esas formas bellas de  tonalidades realmente hermosas. Esto lo que me sugiere lo que hoy nos muestras.

Un "max" y afectuoso abrazo.


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Querido Joaquín,

Lo primero de todo quiero agradecerte el tiempo que has dedicado a valorar este trabajo, lo aprecio mucho.

La comparación que haces entre una obra que surge creativamente en el corazón del volcán, que la lanza con toda su fuerza y como cuando se va alejando derretida en lava, deja de ser parte de él, además incluso toma formas distintas, se solidifica de diferentes maneras, según la interpretación de cada cual: es especial. Me encanta.


Yo sé que cuando dejo un sentimiento con una forma determinada, acabó mi labor, entonces ya deja de ser algo mío... y quizás sea esa la parte más hermosa y la que más enriquezca a todos.

Yo necesito "escribir" jajaja... en mis exámenes el profesor me miraba todo serio con las gafas en la punta de la nariz, advirtiéndome que donde pedía una "pequeña redacción", no le escribiese por favor "una novela"  :)

Siempre he sido así.

No importa lo que hice, haga o haré.

Me encanta que te lleve al reposo y tranquilidad, disfrutar los trabajos y eso te deseo ahora en las vacaciones, mucho tiempo para descansar y fotografiar. Sigue sorprendiéndonos.


A mí cada vez que te leo, me das ánimos como para varios trabajos más.

Gracias de corazón.


Un abrazo, Laura


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