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Painted Turtle


Nikon D5100, 55-200mm @ 200 mm, 1\2500 @ f5.6, ISO 800, hand held, LM.

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Len I love the light, just the right amount to pick up the turtles colors. Quite attractive and I'm surprised at how clear it appears underwater. Perhaps the waters were still. Nice shot.

BR,  Holger

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Good to get your views on this offering..  The turtle was mostly underwater except for the head.  He was surfacing to get a breath I suspect.  It was about 7:30 PM and the light was low & warm.  I had been trying to photograph  birds in flight, thus the 1\2500 sec shutter speed.  A much lower speed would have sufficed but I had no time to consider this when he suddenly appeared in front of me.  'Get the shot & worry about the technicals later'.  :-)  Best, Len.

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Very nice shot of this little fellow. You've set him perfectly into the compositional space The positioning makes for a strong presentation and both color and lighting is spot on. There's more here than just a picture of a turtle.
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Luck is good!  Pretty much shot as presented though I do admit to a tad of cropping to minimize the amount of space in front.  Still, I'm generally pleased with how this one came out.  As for the lighting, see my opening sentence.  :-)  Best, Len.

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Good of you to stop by.  Thanks for your take on this one, a target of opportunity.  :-)  Best, Len.

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This has to be one of the most artistic turtle portraits I've seen.  The subdued light along with the warm side light is perfect... Mike

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The low warm light did a fantastic job of painting the errm painted turtle. This really has  to be viewed large to appreciate the detail and the subtle water line from which Mr Turtle's head is protruding.  By contrast I spent about 1 hour with my lens pointing out of the window on a very rainy Sunday to capture 1 very wet and bedraggled Robin....oh yes the British summer time has arrived : - ) 

Nice work Len! 



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This was a target of opportunity, the serendipity factor in a visit to the marsh!  I was on a boardwalk attempting to photograph the red winged blackbirds in flight; I think you've seen those results.  It was late in the afternoon & as I looked down at the water this turtle presented itself.  I hadn't time to change my camera 'shutter speed priority' settings so 1\2500 sec. was a bit of overkill, especially for a turtle.  :-)   When he surfaced for air I was ready.  No regrets!  Patience is likely the most important element when photographing wildlife.  Things happen quickly.  Then you have to be ready to trip the shutter.  It's similar to landscape photography with patience being a key factor there also.  Waiting for the perfect light can be frustrating but worth it all when it happens.  Good to hear from you again.  Best, Len.

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