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The Sound of My Voice

Img_838518PN_10_05_2015_Did Alt_Canon Rebel T4i - Canon 100mm f2.8 Macro USM - Focal Length: 100mm - Shutter Speed: 1/400 sec - ISO: 200 - Aperture & F/Stop: f/2.8 - Exposure Program: Aperture - Metering Mode: Spot - Flash Did Not Fire - Adobe CS6

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While taking some images of horses on Mother's Day, I found this

one in the group of four who really was curious and eager to come

visit us. I called out to him (Pretty boy etc.) and he stopped and

listened. Not long after he and his siblings were gathered at the

fence just as curious about us as we were of him. (thanks in advance

for any visits or thoughts shared, Gail :) Dig Alt.)

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Is a portrait that catch the view,looks curious and ready for a photo session.Nice mane,and color.Bg did by you makes this to look like a picture and is nice how main subject is well seen from this.

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This picture seems like a reminiscence, an actual experience softened and subtly changed by the soft focus of the intervening years.
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Thank you Jack. I shot this wide open with my 100mm Macro, the houses were a nice soft blur that lended well to the texture. I really like how you described the image - gave me a new outlook on it as well.

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WOW! The quality of your images have really improved, Gail. This is a great portrait of a horse. You make it come so alive!

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You have mastered the technique of the canvas look in this picture. The light is wonderful and the toning. The slight turn on his head really makes him pop out. Very well done.


I will share with you the best horse joke I have heard Gail.


This chap out for a walk was crossing a big field with a lone horse roughly in the center of it minding his own business and eating grass. Suddenly the man heard a voice that said 'I won the grand national you know' . He turned around but he could see nobody there but the horse.Frightened he run for dear life and finally when he reached the end of the field he jumped over the fence and as he stood there catching his breath he suddenly noticed the farmer approaching. Is that your horse he inquired, the farmer nodded. Did you know he talks? He exclaimed anxiously. What did he say to you? The farmer asked. He won the grand national the man said.He is a bloody liar, said the farmer.


Sorry about that but I could not help it.


Kind regard my friend.

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Beautiful capture Gail! I really like the textures from the processing of this photo but what I like the most is the expression - the way the horse looks as if he is deep in thought  and even gives the impression he is walking right out of an old photo, no longer wanting to be kept within its confines. Great composition, color and detail. Lovely and well done work! Thank you for sharing. :)

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Hi Gail, horses and ponies are very dear to my heart, I used to own and compete them. You have done a wonderful job here in combining character, although chestnuts can be known to be quite fiery at times! Really like the overall texture and colour palette. Lovely work. Best wishes. Sarah.

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thank you for those kind words shared, your encouragement - it is so appreciated.....and especially your joke!!! I am going to pass that one on for sure. Thanks so much for the chuckle!!  I hope you are enjoying your memories of your recent vacation, must have been a wonderful trip!

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I like your preamble as much as the photo.  Along with the old farmhouse in the background it provides context for your subject.  My personal choice is to avoid the canvas look.  This technique was popular in the '70s and so has run it's course with me.  But there are many options available today so if it resonates with you then do it.  It's called 'Artistic License'.  So many farm animals are photogenic.  I was recently sitting in a restaurant, looking out the window, when a truck load of pigs going to market stopped in traffic for a minute or so in front.  All I could see was a hundred pink wiggling noses poked out of the open areas of the trailer.  My camera was safe in the trunk of my car.  Dang! :-)  Best, Len

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Well, in the 70's I was mostly consumed with taking care of my babies, then running after them as they became toddlers. Unfortunately, I did not have a very good camera back then and when I did take photos, the film often sat far too long in the canister because I could not afford to get it developed. One of my real joys when I had a few moments during the day was with my 'Art'. I loved to paint and draw. Quite often when asked what I would like for a Birthday or Christmas present, new paints or drawing pencils were at the top of the list. I really have no idea what 'after effects' people were using on Photos during the 70's. My Dad who is a very good Photographer always had a darkroom and took Portraits of my children whenever we had the chance to visit. He did use colour film but did a lot of black and white on Matte Paper. I print a lot of the Photos I like best. I don't often purchase a Greeting Card these days. I usually use one of my images for a card. I also Print cards for friends and family - little gifts - just because. This one printed out really well. Now that is just my opinion - other Photographers may dislike it, and that is fine.  Two cards of this one are already on their way in the mail - one to an elderly Aunt, and another to a dear friend. Both are women I care about very much but are unable to get out much. If it makes them smile, I am happy. I doubt that I will abandon the 'artistic' urge in me very soon. I entered this one under 'Digital Alterations' because I feel the texture alters the image just enough. It's too bad you couldn't have gotten a capture of all the Pigs - :) that must have been quite a sight - and not one you would see very often. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and preferences Len. The many personal preferences we all have is what makes this world such an interesting place and I think what makes me want to learn new skills.  Taking better Photographs is high on my list - my artistic work is 2nd to that.

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It was so great to hear of your love of horses and of your 'competing' Sarah! This young fellow has a 'spring' in his step and every so often showed a bit of 'spirit' as he grazed with the other 3 horses. I loved the markings on his face. This one actually came close to the fence and was the only one of the 4 horses that accepted some of the grass that my Grandson offered. (perhaps we were a bit too trusting ?) Nevertheless, it just mad his day!!! Nice to hear you enjoyed this composition.

Kind regards, Gail 

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Sincere thanks for your encouraging remarks. I was quite surprised at the 'expression' on the horse's face. He seems to be in another world - if that is possible.  I've only taken a few images of horses, but I know I will enjoy taking more images when I go back to visit!

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