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Good Food, Great Wings..........Yah, Right!


Nikon D5100, 18-55mm @ 18mm, 1\250 @ f8, ISO 400, open shade, hand held street shot. B&W conversion in PSE 6. LM

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Hi Len, Good eye seeing this, I like the reflection of the building across the street as well. It has a cozy, small town atmosphere. Our friend sitting there patiently is an added bonus and adds life to the image. Very nice.

Best Always,  Holger

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My instincts kicked in on this one.  I was heading in for lunch when I spotted this pup tied up outside & waiting for it's owner who showed up a few minutes later..................... with no goodies for the dog.  But dogs are gracious creatures who seldom hold grudges against their owners.  It was a happy reunion.  Best, Len.

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Hi Len,

  Priceless b/w capture with perfect timing on your part.  Looks like the dog was glad to pose for you.  Take care, Patsy

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Oh Yumm. An excellent capture (The dog is the Bonus!) that reminds me of a conversation I had with my husband the other day. We have a favorite place in 'Williamsville, N.Y.' for Wings. It is called Brennan's Bowery Bar and I have never in the 20 something years that we have been going, have found any other place that has wings as big as theirs!! Their Irish Potato Skins are to die for as well.  I was hungry the other day and now this image has me even hungrier!!

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Disclaimer:  The dog was looking the other way.  I made a clicking noise to attract his attention.  Thanks for your kind visit.  Len.

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Thanks for the heads-up!  If I ever get to Williamsville I'll give your favourite haunt a test run.  It could happen, not that far.  Perhaps they get their chickens from Texas.  (You've heard of the famous Texas Leghorns haven't you?)  :-)  Best, Len.

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This one has proven popular and deservedly so Really a good contrast between the patient dog waiting for his masters return and the darker image of the street reflected in the store window.
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There is a tax for animal pets too,this one ,the dog pets, are to be fed by their owners schedules .

And it is the food itself who led to turn them ,all of them ,from wolfs where they eats whenever they want , to dogs .

I just wondering which species are the luckiest ,and if the dogs are regretting their transformations ,or if the wolfs envying the dogs ?

In any case ,it is a fine catch.



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Good to hear from you again.  This pooch simply looked lonesome to me.  His owner couldn't take him into the restaurant & had no treats for him on his return.  But, no matter, the dog still seemed grateful to get his master back.  I think dogs have an easier life than wolves but there's a trade off.  They lose the freedom of the wolves.  Which would you rather be, a wolf or a dog?  Much of your decision would be based on the type of life you'd like to live: exciting, short, & free or dull, long, & pampered.  Best, Len.

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Great image with interesting comments, I have always been a dog, attracting company and giving and receiving love! However a part of me, now that you mention it, envies others who are wolves. Or better said wonders how it will be to be a risk taker and free of attachments! I think that wel all reincarnate many times and will have the opportunity to come in as many ways as we will like! Warm regards my friend.
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I guess that makes me a dog too.  I'm sort of a ' middle of the road' to 'err on the side of caution' type.  Wolves may live more exciting lives but likely more stressful and much shorter ones.  Thanks for expanding on the above comments.  Best, Len.

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Great expression which I guess influenced the title : - ) 

It brings mixed emotions, parts of me wants to untie him and let him run amok in the restaurant, and the other part wants to just kidnap him. 

I think I'd best keep my opinions of the owner to myself.

But nonetheless an emotive and poignant capture.


Very well done Len! 

Best Regards 




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On the plus side, the pup was tethered in the shade.  But no water.  Perhaps he was there for only a few minutes while the owner picked up some take-out.  I didn't see his arrival, only his departure within 5 min. of this photo being taken.  Didn't mean to hint at any abuse.  Just struck me that he wasn't a likely recipient of any of the 'Good Food, Great Wings'.  I got a preview of your latest B&W shot of a boat at low tide.  I'll be over to see you shortly.  Best, Len.

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Sorry I missed this one earlier.  Superb composition and I like it in b/w (removes all the color distraction).  Poor pup needs a snack; of course that's why all of my 4-footed children are fluffy (not fat) ;-)... Mike

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I can relate to that!  I have a bit of 'fluffy' myself. :-) The composition practically made itself.  Best, Len.

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