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60 s, F5.6, 17.0 mm, ISO 100

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Fine Art

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This image is successful, in my opinion, primarily because it offers the viewer several invitations: to explore whatever lies beyond the horizon, to swim effortlessly in a calm sea, to wonder about the end of a journey down the ladder, and to be bold enough to start the journey. The dark tones and bold contrasts in the foreground and the gradations of lighter tones strengthen these invitations.

To me, this is a strong image. Congratulations, Oleg.

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It's a very good photograph, yet I think it would have been absolutely fantastic without the cloud and the horizon line. The horizon line and the cloud distract the eye from what otherwise would have been a very strong composition. The hardness and roughness of the rocks, the steely flowing of the rails and the stillness and smoothness of the water work very well together to create the feeling of the gate to emptiness, a gate to the void. The horizon line and the clouds break that illusion, leading the eye away, rather than forcing it to stay within the "gate"

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I find myself somewhere between Michael and Alexander: the dark-ish cloud above the horizon detracts a bit for me; the horizon itself a bit less so. I much like the metallic-looking reflections of the wall and the floor, it adds a depth to the tonality of this image which I think it really needs, as it is very subtle.
On that last note, though: hooray, it is subtle. An image of tranquility (as I see this one) is too easily upset by high contrast, a quest for more sharpening etc. This photo for me keeps a very good balance there.

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